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Jill Konrath

Jill Konrath
Jill Konrath is the best-selling author of SNAP Selling and Selling to Big Companies. She helps sellers crack into new accounts and win business with crazy-busy prospects. She's a popular speaker at annual sales meetings and professional conferences.

Cold Call Motivation Tips That Keep Sales Productivity High

It can be tough to keep going when you have to continually be prospecting. One call fades into the next. You feel like you're...

[Video] Sales Objection: Dealing With the Budget

How often have you been told, "It's not in the budget"? That's probably one of the most common sales objections that people give you....

Here’s the Root Cause of Most Sales Failure

What an Alcatraz inmate taught me about sales. Recently, while speaking at a conference in San Francisco, I took a side trip with my...

[Video] #1 Sales Meeting Follow-Up Best Practice

TMTQ -- Too Much, Too Quick. It's something we all have a tendency to do -- especially if we have a prospect who seems...

How to Ask for an Appointment in an Email Cold Call

When I got the message below from Daniel McLellan, I had to share it with you. The way he "closes" his emails is much...

[Video] Sales Integrity is Being Willing to NOT Sell Something

Would you dare to walk away from a sales opportunity? I'm talking about one that's a big deal. It could help you meet your...

How to Improve Your Sales Time Management

If you're crazy-busy, Dan Markovitz, author of a Factory of One, has some fresh ideas to help you free up more time for selling....

4 Tips for Effective Pre-Call Sales Planning

Stymied about what to say when you contact a prospect? It's especially tough if you feel like you don't know enough about their organization to...

Example of a Really Bad Cold Call Email

Can you believe I got this from a sales training company? It came via email ... and it's from a big, well-known sales training firm!...

[Video] How to Reduce the Decision Risk

How can you reduce the risk involved in making a change? I don't think that we, as sellers, understand just how much a factor...

Important New Research on Customer Loyalty

It's devastating when you lose a long-term customer to a competitor. It's even worse when you've been there for them, consistently providing top-notch service...

[Video] Asking Tough Sales Questions

Getting our prospects to make a change is tough. And, it's especially tough for us to bring up certain things that could possibly get...

Closing the Sale: Are You Giving Away Too Much?

I don't know about you, but I've always been squeamish when prospects ask me about pricing. My stomach churns as I hope against hope...

[Video] The Death of Relationship Selling

Is relationship selling dead? It sure feels like it these days. Your prospects are quick to brush you off. They don't have time for...

Help! I Can’t Close Sales: 5 Ideas to Increase Your Close Ratio

Recently I got an email from Ahmed that said, "Do you have anything on how to close sales? Getting into an account isn't a...

How Do You Sound From Your Customer’s Perspective?

We all know how important it is to be a good listener. But I'm the lone voice in the wilderness talking about the vital...

Are You Making These Serious Sales Assumptions?

Five minutes. You wouldn't think it would be difficult to misconstrue those two simple words. However, after many years of marriage, I can assure...

Do This to Build Sales Confidence Before a Meeting

I don't know about you, but my career has been fraught with moments where I lacked sales confidence. When I first started selling, I'd...

[Video] 3 Tips to Make Closing the Sale Easier

Want to make it easier for your prospects to give you the go-ahead? If so, here are some strategies you can use to make...

3 Sales Follow-Up Strategies to Replace “Touching Base”

MARTY'S QUESTION: You often mention that it's bad to follow up with prospects by saying, "I'm just touching base." I'm struggling to find a...

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