Gareth Cartman
Gareth Cartman is Director of Digital Marketing at Clever Little Design, and blogs frequently on tech, marketing, customer service and Human Resources.
So you want to become more customer-centric? Well, that's the first step. Knowing that you want to become more customer-centric puts you ahead of...
Offering world-class customer service varies little, in principle, whether you are serving coffee or installing servers. Get it right, and you can keep customers...
If you’ve ever driven a super car around a race circuit, rode a zip wire through a remote forest or sampled wine in a...
However you measure customer service, making improvements is never simple. Organizations who have moved from good to great and are delivering world class service have...
How many times have you made a purchase on the high street, only to receive your receipt and be asked kindly by the cashier...
For anyone obsessed by their website statistics (as I am), you will know that the majority of people who interact with your site do...