Bob Musial
Bob Musial is a business development coach, author of "Soft Skills. Hard Returns." and humorist who works with professionals to help improve their competency in getting, keeping and expanding business. He's easy to reach. Pretty easy to talk with too.
But what follows ... not so much. Before I was sitting in my office, doing some out-of-the-box thinking on how I could get my company’s...
Tim Gouw photo Remind me again. What do you do for me? Oh, oh. Those are alarm words you definitely don’t want to hear...
“This proposal is pretty good, right Bob?” But that wasn’t the first thing the EVP of Marketing asked me. Before that she’d said... Take...
There’s a lot written about the Customer Journey and touchpoints related to understanding the Customer Experience. Here’s one customer journey, a physical one, worth...
Actually, it’s more like “buried” revenue-generating opportunities. But please, read on. Congratulations. You made the sale. Rang the bell. You proved...
First of don’t need to shout. I recently read an article on jury behavior research. It indicated 80% of jurors make up their minds...
Can you name three key words that will improve your business? No, not Search Engine Optimization Not Customer Retention Management either. Definitely not Inbound Marketing.…
Actually, I’m not. Is it OK to use humor in a professional environment when you’re trying to connect with prospects? Or how about with clients?...
It started innocently enough. My former colleague had made an error,...
I live in a small town. Like most small towns, this one has a coffee shop. It’s an old-fashioned one. Kind...
Good’re next. Bad’re next. Because I do business development, I’m always observant when it comes to sales and customer experience situations. ...
When I was...well never mind, it was a pretty long time ago. Anyway, at that time I had a Harley-Davidson (that's it above). Bought...