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Ardath Albee

Ardath Albee

Ardath Albee is a B2B Marketing Strategist and the CEO of her firm, Marketing Interactions, Inc. She helps B2B companies with complex sales create and use persona-driven content marketing strategies to turn prospects into buyers and convince customers to stay. Ardath is the author of Digital Relevance: Developing Marketing Content and Strategies that Drive Results and eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale. She's also an in-demand industry speaker.

Are You Pandering to the B2B Lead Slave Trade?

I just read the State of B2B Lead Generation report from Buyer Zone and I have to say that my heart sunk a bit....

Are Your B2B Buyers More Evolved than Your Content?

The noise online is deafening. But there is also a lot of really great content available on nearly every subject imaginable - from addressing...

Even ONE B2B Persona Can Bring Benefits

>Last week, Steve Rayson wrote a blog post over on Anders Pink, B2B Buyer Personas - A Waste of Time? I'm honored that he...

Why “Who” Sends B2B Nurturing Emails Matters

A lot of marketing emails used in B2B nurturing programs don't have a live person tied to them. Signature lines that reference Your ...

Is Your B2B Content Stuck in Purgatory?

One of the challenges I've had a number of conversations about recently has been the ability of B2B content to attract the right audience....

How Does Your B2B Brand Reflect On Your Buyers?

I've been reading a lot of posts lately about making emotiional connections with B2B buyers, along with reminders not to forget their personal side....

Is Your B2B Content Tipping the Effort Scale?

I do a lot of work for technology companies. One of the challenges with marketing technology is simplifying complex systems into understandable business enhancers...

Viral is Not the Game Point in Complex B2B Sales

I received an email asking me what I thought of the Van Damme Volvo video that went viral to the tune of 57M views...

Take a Collective Approach to B2B Personas

My friend and colleague, Carlos Hidalgo's blog post, Why Buyer Personas are a Potential Obstacle to Demand Generation Success, got me going this morning....

Getting Content Caught by the B2B Buyer’s Filter

There's so much information available today that we've been left no choice but to filter the fire hose. I use Google Alerts, see mostly...

B2B Content Marketing is About More Than Publishing

Think like a publisher! That's been the rallying cry for content marketing for the last few years. But, I'd like to submit that content...

Are B2B Marketing Priorities Out of Whack?

A few months prior to Content Marketing World, I ran an online survey to help direct the session I created on Customer Retention. I'm...

Hey Marketers: Sales Doesn’t “Get” Your Content Strategy

When I saw the first bullet in the summary for this survey done in collaboration between Selling Power and Richardson I couldn't help but...

Why BANT is Bunk for Today’s B2B Buyer

In my work with B2B companies, I spend a lot of time on the phone with salespeople while doing research for the creation of...

Your Marketing Bucket is Leaking

I saw a post the other day where the author recommended that marketers create a marketing persona and a social media persona - like...

4 Content Marketing Conundrums

I see a lot of stuff said about content that makes me wonder. There's so much noise about content marketing that it's hard to...

B2B Content Marketing: Thoughtful or Rote Activity?

I recently read a post written by Brian Carroll of MECLABS. An excerpt caught my attention as this is a problem I see often....

Use Content Strategy to Break Into a New Market

I've been on a number of calls recently with companies that want to break into a new market. They think that content marketing may...

The B2B Website Audience Litmus Test

Many B2B companies think that their website must serve every type of customer they have—every flavor of persona. I'd ask you to step back...

Is Social Selling in Need of Sales Enablement?

In my last post I wrote about some of the ways Marketers could benefit from LinkedIn in relation to the report Jill Konrath and...

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