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Ardath Albee

Ardath Albee

Ardath Albee is a B2B Marketing Strategist and the CEO of her firm, Marketing Interactions, Inc. She helps B2B companies with complex sales create and use persona-driven content marketing strategies to turn prospects into buyers and convince customers to stay. Ardath is the author of Digital Relevance: Developing Marketing Content and Strategies that Drive Results and eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale. She's also an in-demand industry speaker.

Extend Your Content’s Reach within the B2B Buying Committee

B2B marketers know there are a number of people involved in a complex buying decision. What often goes overlooked is understanding not only who...

The Power of the B2B Buyer’s Perspective

I keep seeing that statistic - you know - the one that talks about how far through the buying process prospects are before they...

The B2B Funnel is More Like a Pinball Machine

I was watching the video for the second roundtable video that I participated in at Content Marketing World and Nick Panayi from CSC said,...

Design B2B Marketing Content in Pursuit of Inquiry

In writing my new book, Digital Relevance, I spent a lot of time thinking about how a digital approach changes a lot of things,...

How Did Buyers Get Here?

I interview a lot of people during buyer persona projects. This includes representatives from product development, customer service, sales teams, marketing professionals of various...

B2B Marketing Content Must Address “Soft” Factors

For some reason, in B2B content marketing, we seem to forget about the "whole" buyer. More and more marketers are embracing buyer personas and...

Are Salespeople Screwing Up B2B Marketing Performance?

I sat pondering another in a burst of self-serving emails sent last week by salespeople who obviously lack any discipline in prospect research or...

The B2B Funnel is Now a Sieve

The buying process has gotten messy for B2B marketers. This easy access to information means that engagement one second can turn into disinterest in...

B2B Marketers Must Stay In the Game to Prove Business Impact

I was reading an interview with Laura Ramos, VP and Principal Analyst with Forrester, and a couple of things she said caught my eye: “The...

B2B Marketers Need to Understand Technology

I attended a webinar this morning, What Marketers Need To Know To Achieve Content Marketing Success, with Robert Rose and Steve Walker. It was...

B2B Buyers Choose Their Own Adventures

I was reading this blog post interview with Paul Greenberg over on Hubspot's blog about defining customer engagement and one of his examples stuck...

Curiosity and Context: Keys to Engagement for B2B Buyers

Many B2B marketers have jumped on the bandwagon about answering their buyers and customers' questions. There's a bit more strategy involved to do so...

Cut Through the Red Tape of Consensus for B2B Buying Decisions

This headline caught my eye - 53 Percent of B2B Fortune 500 Companies Use Marketing Automation - so I clicked through to read it....

B2B Marketers Need a Fresh Perspective

In response to my last post, Product is Not the Hero of a B2B Company’s Story, Michael Webb asked a great question. I started...

Product is Not the Hero of a B2B Company’s Story

Despite the shift in the B2B buyer landscape that puts them squarely in the power position, I still hear marketers insist that the product...

Shiny New Tech: Content Not Included. Proceed with Caution

I've written about shiny object syndrome (SOS) on this blog a number of times - just do a search and you'll see. Many others...

Crossing the Chasm: The New Obstacle for B2B Buyers

I've come to the conclusion that evolution is lopsided. Especially when it comes to B2B marketing vs. sales. It seems to me that either...

Is Your B2B Content Just a Pit Stop?

B2B marketers have taken up the challenge to create great content. They're investing time, effort and money into content marketing. People are reading their...

Why B2B Marketers Need a Ping-Pong Plan

Let's say that the above is representative of a B2B buying process. Yep, it gets a little messy. All the people involved, the back...

Manipulating B2B Personas is a Bad Move

Over the last three years, I've helped more than a dozen clients develop 75+ personas. Considering I work mainly for tech companies, and no...

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