Aaron Dun
Vice President Marketing & Strategy for Percussion Software, a provider of web content management and content marketing software.
Whether or not to simply use a landing page or build a completely new microsite to support a campaign is a debate that seems...
Getting your extended business team to "write more" is a major challenge for content marketers. In every piece of research we have ever seen...
I recently had the pleasure of joining with a number of industry folks in a "TweetJam" put on by CMSwire.com. For this installment of...
Now that 2013 is off and running, it may be time to revisit an important question. What role should Social Media have for the...
Despite many years of "knowing that more web traffic equals more leads" we continue to get asked the question about how exactly to measure...
As prospects seek to advance their marketing strategy, we are often asked "should I deploy my new content management product or my new marketing...
NetProspex, a B2B data partner, just launched their first ever comprehensive look at the "State of Marketing Data." I was fortunate to get an...