Here’s a compilation of my five favorite YouTube videos on the topic of Big Data. Please note that they are in random/no particular order. Hope you enjoy these videos!
1. Big Data by EconomistMagazine
2. Big data in 2013 by EconomistMagazine
3. What is Hadoop? Other big data terms like MapReduce? Cloudera’s CEO talks us through big data trends by Robert Scoble
4. TEDxUofM – Jameson Toole – Big Data for Tomorrow by TEDxTalks
5. Leaders in Big Data by GoogleTechTalks
Harish, nice compilation of Big Data videos. One other open source technology to mention is HPCC Systems from LexisNexis, a data-intensive supercomputing platform for processing and solving big data analytical problems. Their open source Machine Learning Library and Matrix processing algorithms assist data scientists and developers with business intelligence and predictive analytics. Here’s another youtube video to add to the list that features Flavio Villanustre on FLOSS Weekly giving an overview: