A few weeks ago we ran a test with a client’s email campaign. We came up with a strong message and offer, then divided the list into seven parts. Over the subsequent week, we sent to one-seventh of the list every day at the same time. Guess which day gave us the highest open and response rate?
Not entirely surprising, when you think about it. Sunday’s not a traditional workday, but plenty of your customers and prospects are using a portion of today to get caught up and ready for the week ahead. There’s typically far less email volume on a Sunday to begin with, so the higher response rate makes sense.
Weekends are great for blogging as well. I consistently see higher impressions for new blog posts that are introduced on Saturday and Sunday.
That doesn’t mean you have to work the weekends if you don’t want to. I, for example, wrote this post four days ago and set it to post Sunday morning.
There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to enjoy the weekend off. Just remember your customers and prospects might not be doing the same. So what are you going to do to take advantage of that?