A lot of social media purists will tell you that you’re the spawn of the devil if you use automation.
To truly use social media properly, you have to “be there” constantly, otherwise you’re just fooling yourself and your connections.
Maybe to the purists that are on Twitter and Facebook non-stop, and love to tweet just for the sake of getting influence scores up, automation is evil. After all, they’re on there doing their “thing” all the time, so why shouldn’t you be?
The people that aren’t on Twitter and Facebook all the time are generally doing other things. You know… like client work. Yes, they’ll jump on and interact, but usually that’s when the other important stuff is done.
So forgive me if I see folks tell me automation is bad. If I’m going to share a blog post anyway by someone that I truly trust to deliver the goods, why do I need to physically be on Twitter to do this when I can send the same post out with something like Triberr or Twitterfeed?
What’s that? Because I’m not being true to social media and its values? Give me a break, please.
Social media is just another toolset, or platform, or information base, or whatever tag you want to give it, to help you manage your needs better, whether they be personally or professionally.
It works for people the way they need it to work, not how someone else uses it.
If you don’t like automation for yourself because you’re on social media 24/7 doing whatever it is you do, cool – that’s your approach and that’s what works for you, and I won’t hold anything against you for that.
Maybe you can offer the same courtesy to those that aren’t like you. I mean, does it really impact you anyway?
image: Chuckumentary