We live in a world of talkers. We chat on our cell phones, email, blogs, Twitter and Facebook. We are constantly telling people who we are, what we do and what we think. But are we doing it in a clear way that helps others understand how our company can help them?
Can you tell someone who you are and what you do in 15 seconds or less? The idea of this elevator pitch was born out of the story that entrepreneurs had to pitch to venture capitalist in the time it took for an elevator to get to the lobby in order to get funding for their business. Telling someone what you and your business do in 60 seconds is a talent.
Why is this so important? In reality, most of us will stop listening after 15 seconds and if you don’t get them interested right away, you have lost. Do not plan to ad lib this part. It takes thought and practice. When putting together your elevator pitch, ask these questions:
1. What is your mission? What is your brand?
For example, I am “The Unstuck Guy”. I help small business owners get out of their funk and move forward. I apply simple and strategic steps to get their business growing again. I help to shift them with a tactical step by step plan from where they are to where their dreams so they should be.
Where to Start: Complete the sentence, “I am the _______________” or “people know me because I am the best at ____________________”
2. What is your voice and values? How will people know it’s you?
For example, I use self deprecating humor, story telling, and extreme passion to communicate and connect with other people. I tell them to forget the entrepreneur’s dream version of Disneyland. You will never be Bill Gates or Richard Branson. I clear the path of all those broken promises and faded dreams. I tell the truth about what it’s really like to own a business and how they can be successful by starting from where they are.
Where to Start: Think about what is your unique style. Serious, funny, or straight forward? How do you connect with other people? Ask others about their impression of you.
3. Who is your community?
For example, I serve established small business who have been in business for multiple years. These owners have enough experience with their business to relate to the challenges we face. They are at a stage in their business where their progress and success are far from what they expected, and they consider themselves either in a bad patch, confused or trapped. The demographic includes men and women business owners between 35 and 55 with revenues over $1M.
Where to Start: Look at your current clients. What is the profile you now serve? Is this the community you want to be serving?
15 seconds is not a long time. It’s only about 50 words. Choose them carefully.