[Video] This Personality Trait Can Predict Your Sales Success


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Would you believe that a person’s behavior at a party could accurately predict their sales success? It’s true. Recently, two researchers were able to determine the winners of a business competition with 87% accuracy simply by observing their social cues at a pre-event gathering.

They watched for things like their energy level, gestures, expressions, tone and more. In short, here’s what they discovered about achieving sales success:

Successful salespeople had more energy and were more positive about things. They talked and listened more. They spent more face time with people, chatting with them and drawing them out. Their positive attitude truly did make a difference – in the other person.

So, what does that mean to you as a seller? First off, if you’re a natural at it – lucky you! Keep using your charm to work your magic.

However, if you’re like me, being charismatic is not natural, but it can be learned. You can practice upping your energy level. When you’re in social gatherings or business meetings, you can focus intently on other people and get them talking. You can also be more positive – even if it’s just for a short time.

At first, for me, it felt really awkward. But over time, you can actually get used to this new charismatic persona and even enjoy it! Plus, it has a positive impact on your work and your interactions with others. And that matters.

Republished with author's permission from original post.


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