I know I often times sound like a broken record. Yet, that is OK as I believe deeply that repetition is the mother of all learning.
I have repeatedly stressed the huge competitive advantage that can be created by investing in internal service experiences and most importantly, internal service cooperation.
If you just think about it logically, how could the service or the experiences of your external guest or customer be any better or memorable than the internal service and experiences inside of your organization?
In order for the customer facing employees to be in a position to create differentiated customer experiences for the external customer, they need to have fast, responsive help and support from their internal colleagues and partners.
The questions I have for you is; Are you investing and reinforcing your internal service experiences?
If not, why not?
If you are one of the few enlightened organizations that understand the power of internal service cooperation, then you already know that this investment in internal service pays huge dividends in areas like speed, responsiveness, empathy and reliability.
As a customer, aren’t those the type of things that we all crave?
I think so. Don’t you?
If you take a moment to stop and think about it, aren’t those the same attributes that all of our employees want?
I know from experience that when you get great customer service from a customer facing employee, it is almost always the result of unsung hero behind the scenes putting that customer facing employee in a position to win with the customer.
Good on you, if you happen to be one those internal heroes who understands that even if you don’t have an external customer to serve you do have very many internal customers and partners to serve.
If you are a leader it is critically important to praise, recognize, and reward those internal service partners who often times don’t get the recognition and praise they deserve.
I would argue that if you aren’t making significant investments in time, energy and resources on your internal service experiences, not only are you not getting better, you are falling behind.
One of the reasons I am so proud of the work that CSI International does is that we truly help companies get better, and stay better, from the inside out.
Take a moment and check out the info graphic below for more repetition and reinforcement on this critically important area.
Click here to view the info graphic below: