Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has been concerned with right or left instead of right or wrong. -Richard Armour
With the recent debate regarding national healthcare reform, there has been an overwhelming amount of commentary surrounding our nation’s two prominent political parties and how they are diametrically opposed on how to best to supply health insurance to all Americans. On the right you have the conservative Republicans, who want to keep the basic healthcare system we have in place today, and focus on how to improve what already exists. On the left you have the liberal Democrats, who want to rewrite the rules and build a new system.
On the far left you have liberal marketers, those that want to throw out the old media and focus only on the new. They have an aversion to traditional media; they can’t understand why anyone would spend money on media that is declining in usage (even thought it still reaches millions of consumers) and that will not allow you to connect with consumers on a more personal level. They love to experiment and they prefer mediums like Facebook, blogs, and YouTube. They don’t fear losing control of their marketing. In fact, they encourage people to interact with the brand and take it indirections they may have never even thought of.
So what am I? I consider myself to be a marketing independent. I think the truth lies somewhere in the center, not on the fringes. I believe that today’s marketing organizations must evaluate all media, both old and new, on there individual merits and not lump them into broad categories and make wide generalizations (like I did above). Like the quote that appears at the top of this blog, the question is not whether a company uses old media or new media, but that it chooses the mix that is right for them, and how they integrate the use of different mediums to build an integrated marketing strategy that is larger than its individual pieces.
So what about you? Are you a marketing conservative or a liberal? How about the organization that you work for? Please share your comments.
P.S. In case you were wondering, Richard Armour was a prominent American poet, author, and humorist who wrote over sixty-five books between 1944-1974.