One way companies are addressing these challenges is by focusing on the customer experience as a strategic imperative. They compete on products, but differentiate on the experience.
To effectively differentiate on the customer experience, companies must place the customer at the center of the business, which inevitably requires some changes. And, as with any change initiative, when employees are engage in the process, it accelerates adoption. One tool that gets employees engaged and provides strategic insight into the customer experience strategy is journey mapping.
Journey mapping is a consultative service that helps employees see the business through the eyes of the customer. Employees from across the organization join roundtable discussions to map out the customer journey and share what customers want, what customers are doing, and how the organization is set-up to support the customer.
During these sessions you can see the light bulbs going off in peoples heads. Participants see the gaps in their processes and the gaps in their understanding of the customer.
Journey Mapping is a great way to accelerate the adoption of any customer experience initiative.