More than Four out of Five Consumers Experience Problems Conducting Mobile
Transactions; Nearly Two out of Three Would Avoid Brands Altogether
Key Message Points:
* Regardless of the platform shift from traditional desktop or laptop computer to mobile device, consumers are still having challenging experiences and encountering struggles when conducting transactions online.
* More than four in five U.S. adults who have conducted an online transaction via a mobile device in the last year report experiencing a problem (84 percent).
* Businesses may be losing customers due to poor mobile experiences: 63 percent of all online adults said they would be less likely to buy from the same company via other purchase channels if they experienced a problem conducting a mobile transaction.
* To see a presentation that highlights key mobile transactions survey results and methodology, please visit:
San Francisco, CA, March 29, 2011- Tealeaf®, the leader in online Customer Experience Management (CEM) software, today announced the results of a commissioned survey of mobile transactions, conducted online by Harris Interactive®. The survey found that more than four in five (84 percent)
consumers–that is, online adults in the U.S. who have conducted a mobile transaction via smartphone or other mobile device in the past year