Every once in a while someone takes a technology and uses it in a slightly different way than usual. A friend of mine who I used to work with way back when, shared just such a twist to a technology using the Livescribe Echo Smartpen.
Dr. Mike is an Instructor and Director of the Multi-Function Lab at Loyola Medical Center, and he always looks for ways to use technology in ways that make education more effective and accessible. In this case, he was looking for a way to make education about the human body less dependent upon instructors and yet, more robust – embalming fluids and med students make for a quite a volatile mix. In particular, he was looking for a way to label anatomical models and parts of cadavers.
A while back there was talk of QR codes or other techs, but eventually he went the route of using a Livescribe pen and markers. Here’s a little video he put together showing how the technology works. I love what he did thinking outside ‘the box.’ But then, thinking in novel ways was never a weak point of Dr. Dauzvardis.
What do you think of this concept?