Welcome to a new episode of Sunday Brunch, where we talk about your questions on social media, marketing, business tips, entrepreneurship and more. It’s a little later today due to technical issues with my web host, so my apologies for that.
Today’s question is from Kevin Murray, who runs a family driven online marketing company over at WorkWithTheMurrays.com. Kevin asks:
“Other than running a sweepstakes or contest, what real campaign or Social Media Strategy can be run to promote not only followers but also the business, brand awareness and company mission?“
Thanks for the question, Kevin, and I hope the video helps.
If you have a question, you can send it in via the form below. There’s also a file upload option, if you want to send in a picture of your favourite Sunday Brunch place.
Cheers, and see you same time, same place next week for some more Sunday Brunch chats.
This post contains a video. If you can’t see it displayed properly in your feed, you can view it directly here.