The Challenge: As companies grow, relationships with customers usually suffer. Larger customer files, heavier account loads, and less available time, often contribute to a decrease in engagement with customers. This begins the cycle of increasing losses of customers.
Findings from research conducted by our company
ERDM indicate that engaging and forming strong relationships with customers has
12 times more influence on retention and repeat purchases than customer satisfaction.
Satisfaction is now a minimum expectation.
As DMG Consulting says in their
Microsoft-sponsored white paper, “In an era of intense competition, the customer experience is often the main differentiator between commoditized products and services.” In today’s consumer-centric business world, customers dictate the rise and fall of companies, and your business is completely dependent on keeping your customer relationships strong.
Once understanding is achieved, the next step,
according to Walker, is
closing the loop. This begins with setting alerts that
indicate low customer loyalty or negative behavior, usually in the form of survey questions. After alerts are designed, a feedback system is created to
ensure the information gets to someone who can act on it. There should also be
follow-up protocols in place that allow staff to act on customer concerns, complaints, and opportunities accordingly. Finally, results should be documented, so the company can
understand what works best and fine-tune accordingly.
This correlates with our findings, as well as the strategy used by Microsoft in the aforementioned white paper, that changing from relationships based on customer satisfaction to relationships with deeper levels of engagement – based on more in-depth understanding of their needs – increases customer retention drastically over the course of the customer lifecycle.
Key Takeaways for Marketers
1. Assess the state of current customer relationships.
Learn if you’re doing enough to meet customer expectations, and form deeper relationships with customers across multiple channels. Customers don’t just want to be satisfied, they want to be engaged.
2. Develop strategies for following up.
Create a system that will seek out red flags, notify appropriate staff members at the right time, acquire customer feedback, and use that feedback to enrich and improve customer experience.