SMP 4.0 Provides Agile Platform that Supports Transaction Scalability Around On-Demand, Event-Driven and Converged Services
TORONTO – May 22, 2007 – Sigma Systems, (, a premier provider and leader in the design, development and deployment of OSS service management solutions, has further enhanced its service management platform with the release of Service Management Platform (SMP) 4.0.
SMP 4.0 addresses the new realities service providers are facing as the market drives them to a variety of user classes (residential, business, SOHO, mobile) and a broader range of services. SMP 4.0 is Sigma’s new generation OSS that will enable an “All Play” world – access to any service, on any device, at any time and available anywhere. With All Play, a greater number of services are enabled with shorter lifecycles and subsequently delivered across multiple network access technologies.
“The number of service management transactions per subscriber is growing exponentially as service providers deliver many more types of services to each subscriber, and offer new on-demand and event-driven service products,” says Brian Cappellani, CTO, Sigma Systems. “SMP 4.0 has been substantially enhanced to increase its performance, scalability and availability, provide increased flexibility and service agility – all required to address the demands of this dynamic new All Play service environment”.
SMP 4.0 provides a new high performance J2EE-based, BPEL-compatible workflow engine that addresses today’s new demands as well as providing the inherent flexibility to support any type of service including on-demand and event-based services.
SMP 4.0 also provides service agility support with a powerful GUI-based service creation environment that enables service providers to easily create and deploy new and modified services in response to quickly changing market forces.
Other key features in SMP 4.0 include:
• Support for a federated information model: the ability to pull subscriber/service information from other repositories to avoid data replication
• Enhanced support for end-user-based services: the ability to assign specific services to individual users within a household or business
• Enhanced support for commercial services including:
– Support for scheduled orders, held orders and batch orders
– An optional GUI to capture these orders, and to manage the orders within a batch
– The ability to manage service dependencies between orders to ensure pre-requisite orders are executed successfully before dependent orders are processed
• Support for OSS/J compatible and web services/SOA based order APIs: SMP 4.0 provides OSS/J compatible and web services/SOA type interfaces to integrate with external BSS systems
• Support for multiple order priorities: the ability to ensure higher priority orders are executed before lower priority orders are processed
• Ability to trigger automated processes based on a business event: SMP 4.0 can be used to execute a specific process that is triggered by a business event such as a network outage or a billing event
• Support for centralised security: SMP 4.0 is JAAS compliant, providing support for environments that have centralised CSR/operator security management for multiple applications
“Service providers are not only dealing with growing subscriber bases due to market expansion, but are also dealing with competitive pressures to offer a much broader range of services and service bundles to both residential and business subscribers,” says Tim Spencer, President, Sigma Systems. “Sigma Systems’ SMP 4.0 provides a high performance, scalable, reliable OSS Platform that can manage the new increasingly complex services and service types emerging today, with the inherent flexibility to address the new converged services of the future.”
SMP 4.0 is planned for general market availability in Q3 2007.