Washoe County School District has been transforming itself over the years through leadership transition within the district and the legislature, not to mention the recession. Which is why the story of how during the turbulent times a small low budget communications department went back to the basics and focused on what was important, the community. What I mean by that is that there are a variety of audiences that comprise the districts ecosystem with firm resolve to tie all their efforts into the strategic plan. Yes, that is right the simple recipe to success is several fold in my opinion:
Laser Focus – they tie everything they do into how it allows their resources to impact realizing the strategic plan.
Talent – they harness great talent in the employees, the physical area or business community.
Value – they value and respect everyone that works in the communications ecosystem.
Transparency – they acknowledge mistakes, they share their plans and they have opened up their storytelling through social tools.
Social – they have embraced leveraging social tools as a way to share information, engage with the communications ecosystem members, foster two way real time conversations and learn.
Diversity – they embrace diversity, welcome and celebrate it.
Fearlessness – they embody living fearlessly in their approaches. What I mean by this is that they ask for help when they need it, they apply for grants and awards and they don’t take no for an answer. If a door is closed, they look for a keyhole or another door that may open.