We recently polled R&D teams about how they use and share innovation across offices and departments, and the challenges they face in doing so. Because R&D is a primary creator and consumer of knowledge, these organizations should be a model for how to utilize and share it. However, as we’ve seen in the demand for our intelligent indexing technology, and as revealed in the study, we found that R&D teams are more apt to duplicate work, lose knowledge and operate in siloed, “tribal” environments where information isn’t shared and experts can’t be found. This creates a huge opportunity for those who get it right—to out-innovate and out-perform their competition.
Specifically, engineers told us about their information challenges in our social media poll. The graphic below outlines the results.
Innovation is not possible without knowledge – and wasted, untapped knowledge is costing innovation-driven companies both time and money through impeded research and development. Intelligent indexing technology not only helps companies innovate, it helps them take a building block approach to knowledge and innovation by enabling more and better leverage of their most valuable corporate asset: know-how.