Our son has this comedy routine by John Pinette down cold. He heard it once and can now do it for anyone.
There is just one problem. Our son is 8 and weighs all of 67 pounds so even though the routine is hysterical, it becomes very obvious, very quickly, that it isn’t his own material and it isn’t about him because it’s not in his voice. It’s not credible.
When salespeople go through the sales training process (real sales development, not a seminar), there is a danger that they will extract tactics that worked very effectively in the context of the demonstration, but that might not be appropriate for the context the salesperson chooses to use it. And just as often, when the salesperson applies the tactic it doesn’t sound like them.
It is extremely important to utilize all of the strategies and tactics in the context of the sales process that was introduced AND IN THEIR OWN VOICE. They can’t stop sounding like themselves!