Greetings. Having a clear focus is essential to innovation, creating remarkable customer experiences and assuring business success. In fact, the more focused we are on the results we hope to achieve the more likely we are to push the envelope in a way that really matters. But is it essential to have perfect focus at the beginning of our efforts? Or, is our initial focus simply a good start point for becoming even clearer as we test ideas?
This notion is at the very heart of a remarkable new camera that is quite literally “refocusing” the world of photography on a new way to think about pictures and the light that comprises them. The camera is the Lytro Light Field Camera, invented by a Silicon Valley start-up named Lytro, and it uses a sensor to capture the entire light field around the moment you are trying to capture–11 million light rays. This enables the user to improve or change the focus of their pictures after they take them. Mess up a bit? No problem. Decide that you’d like to make certain parts of your picture more focused that others. A piece of cake. Which means that as long as you have an eye for composition, you can be a great photographer. And truth be told, you can always crop your photo to improve the composition.
All of which suggests that while focus is important to the finished product, having a perfect focus might be less important at the outset of our creative endeavors.
We win in business and in life when we continually improve our focus. By opening our lens and our minds to a place filled with possibilities.