How to Start a Trailer Dealership


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If you’re dreaming about getting into the world of trailer sales, you’re on the right track!

This article is here to help you kickstart trailer dealership and give you some tips to make it a success. So, keep reading for some valuable insights!

Understand What a Trailer Dealership Does

Trailer dealerships have all kinds of trailers in stock and staff help customers pick the right one for their needs.

They Know Their Stuff: Trailer dealers bring a ton of knowledge and expertise. They’ve got the lowdown on capacity, safety features, and what different trailer models can do.

One-Stop Shopping: Dealerships are a one-stop shop for trailer owners. Shoppers can find the right trailer and get it serviced, all in one place. No need to run around town or search the web for parts and services. It saves people time and money.

Lots of Choices: Dealerships usually have a wide range of trailers and gear to choose from. With all these options, shoppers can be confident they’ll find the perfect trailer to match their needs.

They’ve Got Your Back: Dealerships are there to support customers after the sale. They can help troubleshoot issues and provide tips on keeping trailers in top shape. That kind of support is priceless for trailer owners.

Easy Financing: These dealerships often offer financing options to make it easier for customers to buy trailers. No need to pay a big chunk upfront; customers can spread the cost over time. It makes owning a trailer more doable.

Explore the Trailer Market

The first step to starting a trailer dealership is doing some research on the trailer market.

Learn the Landscape: Get to know the trailer manufacturers, the different models, and what sets them apart. This knowledge will give you a deep understanding of the industry and help you figure out which trailers are in high demand.

Check Local Demand: You’ve got to figure out what people in your area need in terms of trailers. This way, you can stock what your customers are looking for. Learn the local trends to know what’s popular and what’s not.

Spy on the Competition: Do some snooping on the other trailer dealers in your area. This will give you insights into how they run their show and what trailers they offer. Use this info to create a solid business plan that sets you apart from the rest.

Know Your Trailers: Take time to understand the different types of trailers and what they’re used for. Some are meant for specific needs, so knowing what’s what is key. Plus, you’ll be able to give top-notch customer service.

Find Your Target Customers: Once you’ve researched trailers and their uses, it’s time to figure out who your customers will be. This will help you choose the right trailer models and features for your audience. Knowing their needs will also guide your marketing strategies.

Get Financial Support

Starting a trailer dealership means you’ll need some cash. So, how do you secure the funds you need?

Add Up Startup Costs: Before you go looking for funds, you’ve got to know how much money you need to get your dealership off the ground. This includes costs like buying trailer inventory, paying employee salaries, getting insurance, and covering other expenses. Knowing your financial needs in advance will help you negotiate for the best funding terms.

Check Out Financing Options: Look into all the different ways to get the money you need for your trailer business. This might mean applying for a small business loan, getting investments from friends and family, exploring SBA loans, or even launching crowdfunding campaigns.

Build a Strong Business Plan: To get the money you need, you’ll want to put together a detailed business plan and financial projection. Your plan should cover things like your trailer inventory, marketing strategies, and customer service plans. Your financial projection should show estimated income and expenses over a set period. It’ll give a clear picture of your dealership’s potential for success.

Secure Licenses and Permits

Get to Know Local Licensing: You’ve got to know the licensing rules that apply to trailer dealerships in your area. Study up on the laws and regulations so you’re on the right side of the rules.

Register Your Business and Get Permits: Once you’re up on the laws, register your business and get any required permits. This might mean a sales tax permit or a vehicle seller’s license. Be sure to check with your local government to make sure you’re following the rules.

Get a Sales Tax License and Dealership License: In some places, you’ll need a sales tax license and/or a dealership license to run your trailer dealership. Check out what’s needed in your area and make sure you get all the licenses squared away before you start your business. That way, you’ll be doing everything on the up-and-up.

Pick the Right Spot for Your Dealership

The location you choose for your trailer dealership is a big deal. It needs to be easy to find and in a good spot. Here’s what to think about:

Look at Parking, Nearby Places, and Zoning: When you’re hunting for a spot, take a good look at a few things. Make sure there’s enough parking for customers and check out what’s nearby. You might want to be near some cool places that bring people around. And don’t forget to check local zoning rules to make sure you’re using the place right.

Find the Location for Your Trailers: The size and type of trailers you’re selling will be a big deal when it comes to picking a spot. If you’re selling big trailers, make sure the place can handle them. If you’re offering specialty trailers, like car haulers or boat trailers, make sure there’s room for those too.

Get Good Visibility and Easy Access: Pick a spot where folks can see you and get to you easily. Look for places with lots of people walking around and simple car access. And remember, you’ll need a good amount of parking for folks who want to check out your trailers in person.

Check Zoning Rules: Before you lock in your location, take a close look at local zoning rules. Make sure your spot works for a trailer dealership and meets all the zoning rules. Check the property to make sure it follows all local building codes before you sign any lease or purchase agreement.

Figure Out the Costs: Money is a big part of this decision. You’ll need to know what it costs to lease or buy the place. Be sure the deal works for you and what you need. And look into any tax breaks or grants that might be available to help with your investment. Thinking through all this will help you pick the right spot for your dealership.

Choose Trailer Manufacturers or Distributors

Once you’ve got your location sorted out, it’s time to stock up on trailers to sell. Here’s what to do:

Dig into Manufacturers and Distributors: Before you make your choice, do some deep research on trailer manufacturers and distributors. Compare prices and look for the best fit for your business. Check out what customers are saying and see what products each one offers.

Check Quality and Reputation: When you’re looking at potential manufacturers and distributors, make sure you’re thinking about the quality of their trailers. Look at customer reviews and see what kind of rep each one has in the business. And be sure their prices for trailers make sense for your market.

Think About Costs and Delivery: Figure out the total cost and delivery time for trailers from different manufacturers and distributors. You’ve got to get a good deal on trailers to stay competitive. Make sure the delivery times work for your dealership’s needs, and make sure any issues with trailers get handled fast.

Negotiate a Contract: Once you’ve done all your research and picked the best manufacturer or distributor for your trailer dealership, it’s time to talk contracts. Make sure you go over all the terms before you sign anything so you both know what’s up. And any changes or additions you work out during negotiations should be part of the contract. It’s all about setting up a strong partnership.

Build Your Team

After you’ve got your spot picked out and a deal with your manufacturers or distributors, it’s time to build your team. You’ll want to find people who know their stuff when it comes to trailers. Here’s what to do:

Look for Trailer Sales Pros: Start by looking for folks to handle trailer sales. Try to find people who have experience in selling or repairing trailers so they can give top-notch advice to customers. Your team should really know the trailers you’re offering and the manufacturers or distributors you’re working with.

Market Your Business

Now that you’re in business, it’s time to get the word out. You need to market and promote your trailer dealership. Here’s how:

Get Online: To spread the word about your trailer dealership, set up a website (or better yet, get a trailer dealer management system that manages inventory as well as your website) and get on social media. Keep your online platforms updated with info on your trailer sales, new arrivals, special deals, and customer reviews. Make sure folks can easily reach you to ask questions or get help.

Advertise Locally: In addition to your online presence, spend some money on advertising in local newspapers and online classifieds. This is a great way to reach potential customers in your area who are actively looking for trailers. You might also want to use any special incentives or grants available in your region to help your business investment pay off.

Offer Great Deals: To bring in customers, run promotions and special offers. This could be discounts on trailer purchases or free shipping. And think about offering financing options so folks can get trailers with easy payments.

Get Out There: Participate in local events and trade shows to promote your trailer dealership. It’s a chance to connect with potential customers and show off your trailers in person. Plus, you can make connections with other trailer dealerships, manufacturers, and distributors in your area, which could lead to even more resources.


In a nutshell, starting a successful trailer dealership is a multi-step process that includes picking the right location, getting financial support, choosing a reliable manufacturer or distributor, building a knowledgeable team, and running a well-structured marketing campaign. By carefully going through each step and making sure you follow the rules, you can set yourself up for a successful adventure in the trailer industry. Good market research, smart decision-making, and customer-focused service are the keys to not only getting your business off the ground but keeping it thriving and growing.

Alastar Kerpel
I'm passionate about growing tech companies through high impact demand generation tactics. My life-long learner attitude allows me to draw from my enterprise B2B marketing experience to build winning strategies that combine the right channels and campaigns for the right stage of a company. I'm hands on and can lead others with best practices.


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