Poor customer service almost guarantees that the next time your customer has a need, they’ll look elsewhere.
Really helping customers is critical if you want to deliver the type of experience that positively engages with your customers and creates the type of relationship that they consider working with you time and time again.
83% of online customers need customer service help in order to complete a purchase. Is your experience meeting customer needs?
This infographic outlining the importance of service in creating the customer experience that customers expect comes from Invesp, an organization that makes conversion optimization testing a cinch with their online tool that lets you do AB testing, multivariate testing, Website landing page optimization, and customer behavioral targeting, among other things.
How Important Is Customer Service in the Customer Experience?
We’ve all been there, you’re about to make a purchase and everything looks good, except you have that burning question in the back of your mind. You want to make sure that what you’re buying will do exactly what you need. So you decide that you have to reach out and ask, but when you do, you’re confronted with the dreaded “customer service is offline” message.
A staggering 89% of customers reported stopping their online purchase because they needed help but no one was available to help.
Customer service really does make customers stick
Providing exceptional customer experiences is not only the right thing to do for your customers, but it’s the right thing to do for your business. If your help stinks, your customers are 4x more likely to buy from a competitor because of your bad service than because of a better deal a competitor offers.
With the cost of acquiring customers, there’s also a real expectation that those new customers have as to what service and support you’ll provide once they decide to give your business their money. The trends in how customers interact show that service has to begin to integrate more online services and help options in order to retain those customers.
Customer service today isn’t just a strategy, it’s the new reality of doing business.