One of the best ways to end the year is to make a list of your personal and professional achievements. No judgment as to big or small. Make a special file and make this a yearly exercise. You will be amazed at how much you have accomplished.
The most contagious type of Sales Call Reluctance is Role Rejection — not comfortable in the role of sales. One of the characteristics of Role Rejectors is that they are not able to celebrate their success. It is so important to allow yourself to recognize your accomplishments.
Your list may include a book that you read the literally changed your life! It may be that you handled a crisis effectively and are a better person today. Happier than you have ever been? Learned a new skill? Worked out consistently? Mended a relationship?
One of the greatest moments in anybody’s developing experience is when he no longer tries to hide from himself but determines to get acquainted within himself as he really is. (Norman Vincent Peale)