Michelle O’Conner, “You don’t how much fun I am having in this car?”
Ian Callum, Russ Varney, Mark White and Michelle O’Connor from Jaguar’s Design and Engineering teams talk about working together to create beautiful fast cars.
If your mindset evolves around Service Dominant Logic thinking, you may view value from three points; Functional, Social, Emotional. I often describe the three this way:
- Functional (Know): This is the practical side where we help solve problems, resolve issues, get projects done and accomplish tasks.
- Emotional (Feel): We make people feel better and find ways to support, energize and empower
- Social (Do): We help people find new meaning, new information and re frame their situation.
Most people leave the emotional and even sometimes the social side up to the marketers, certainly not at an engineering table. We have found that these components are not something that can be added at a later date. It is one of the reasons that Design Thinking and/or Service Design are taking hold in many areas of an organization including engineering I think the engineers at Jaguar do a nice job of putting it in a perspective.