Today is the day of love. Florist shops are busy sending flowers. Restaurants are booked with romantic dinners for two. And Hallmark is selling a lot of cards.
On this day of love, it might be a good time to ask yourself this question, “Do you love sales?” If you don’t have a love affair going on with the profession of sales, this is one tough career path. People that don’t love sales settle for being average and usually don’t put in the time and energy to be great. Here’s a suggestion. Do yourself, your company and your customers a favor—break up. They deserve a person that loves sales!
Here are three easy ways to spot a ‘sales lover.’
#1: They love what they sell. I can teach effective tactical and strategic selling skills to open and close business. However, the greatest door opener is the conviction a salesperson brings to the meeting. A salesperson that is convicted radiates this message: If you do business with me, I will make a difference for you.
My husband and I attended the Home and Garden Show in Denver last weekend. Boy, could you tell which booth was staffed by sales lovers and non-sales lovers. The non-sales lovers were just putting in their time. Many spent more time checking their smart phones than having a live conversation with prospects. The sales lovers gushed over their products and services. Yes, some did a product dump but at least they loved their product!
#2: Work is fun. People that are ‘in love’ have fun. Salespeople in love with sales have fun. They wake up every morning with the attitude, “I get to go to work” rather than “I have to go to work.”
Years ago, a young man knocked on my door. He was selling tickets of some sort to earn a trip with a local club. My memory is a little fuzzy on all of the details, but one…this young man loved selling. He delivered a sales pitch that was prepared and funny. He asked for the order and he got that order. I think the main reason I gave him money was because I was having so much fun! Emotions are contagious and I caught the fun virus from this twelve year old.
#3: They put in the time. Think about someone that loves golf. They put in time practicing their swing, their short game and their long game. Salespeople that love sales put in the time practicing new skills and techniques. They don’t mind practicing because, like golf, the sales profession gets a whole lot more fun when you are good.
Do you love sales? Are you dating the profession or are you ready to make a commitment?
Good Selling!
Colleen Stanley