During the next few months, you’ll hear (and see) me talk about ValueWatcher, a highly intuitive (and interactive) visualization application that puts customer data in the hands of business users to gain a better understanding of customers and glean insights in a self-sufficient manner.
Why? Because our clients have adopted and embraced this tool in ways we never imagined possible. While not a substitute for a campaign management or business intelligence application, ValueWatcher has become the perfect complement. It allows those individuals who are not power users – and have no desire to be – the ability to query their customer data quickly and easily.
Think about it: an application that can help marketers determine campaign feasibility without having to put in (and wait for) a request for a list pull only to determine that campaign volumes are too low. Or, research wants to understand the current (and potential) value of cross-channel versus single channel customers . Perhaps management wants scheduled monthly reports on customer metrics to track progress.
ValueWatcher provides that visibility and more.
Here’s an example. Let’s say I’m an online content provider and want to develop a set of targeted programs to introduce a new, premium content product. First, I want to find those customers who are in the top 30% of my base in terms of potential value and are active (i.e., they’ve purchased in the last twelve months) because I know there is growth opportunity in this segment.
Then, I want to filter down further to find those customers who have a strong affinity for a particular type of content but have not yet purchased this new product. From there, I can create a list and export it to my content management system for online targeting. I can also identify those customers who have opted-in to email and send that list to my email system to generate a communication reinforcing the online message.
I also have the ability to report on customer metrics. For example, I want to create a report that shows the breakout of my base by segment. From the report, I can easily drag and drop a “slice” into my funnel and create a list for exporting. In this case, I might want to send something to only my high- and medium- value customers who have been active in the last twelve months.
What makes ValueWatcher unique is its ability to put the data into the hands of business and marketing users. You don’t have to be a quant. You don’t have to be a power user. But with ValueWatcher, your colleagues will think you are.