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Dick Wooden

Dick Wooden
CRM specialist to help you get the answers you need with sales, service, and marketing CRM software. I help mid-sized businesses select, implement and optimize CRM so that it works the way their business needs to work. My firm is focused on client success with remarkable customer experience, effective marketing and profitable sales using CRM strategy and tools.

The Six Laws of Customer Experience: Law #5–Employees Do What..

Remember when you were a child and wanted your way about something? If Mom or Dad gave a vague response to a request such as,...

The Six Laws of Customer Experience: Law #5 Employee Do What..

Remember when you were a child and wanted your way about something? If Mom or Dad gave a vague response to a request such as,...

The Six Laws of Customer Experience: Law #4 Unengaged employees..

The Six Laws of Customer Experience: Law #4 Unengaged employees.. We've all been there. We go into a store to purchase an item, and unsure…

The Six Laws of Customer Experience: Law #3 – Customer Familiarity…

Business developers know that good customer relationships lead to business growth, but with so much information bombarding you, where should you set your attention?...

The Six Laws of Customer Experience: Law #2- People Are..

Yesterday's blog discussed Law #1: Every Action Creates A Personal Reaction. Recently when Carlie and I were on vacation in Alaska we sat across from...

The Six Laws of Customer Experience: Law #1 Every interaction…

Last week's blog underscored the importance of customer relations managers living by The Six Laws of Customer Experience, as created by industry leader Bruce...

Six Laws of Customer Relations- Where to Begin and End

Where to Begin and End: With the Six Laws for better Customer Relations We all know that customer relationship matters, but with all the competing...

Red Flag – Want to organize all business contact data- but how?

When we get a phone call with a new prospect inquiring about contact or customer management one of the first statements we hear is...

11 Simple Ways B2B Companies Can Be More Social Today

11 Simple Ways Business to Business Companies Can Be More Social Today. Full Hubspot Inbound Markeing blog article, here. When making the transition from traditional...

Want Predictable Success? Realign your business in 3 essential steps

When your business is small, alignment is easy. Everyone is on the same page. Your staff isn't that big, and they're all on board...

Borrowing Brilliance: The Six Steps to Business Innovation

I always remember a statement by Sir Isaac Newton, the man who developed the principles of universal gravitation. He is quoted as saying,...

What Knowledge Provides When We Embrace It and Use It

As we coach entrepreneurs and the implemention of Customer Relationship Management systems, we always help clients consider the role of "change." A key...

29+ Questions to Answer to Make Better Decisions

"How do I..." is not the first question you need to answer if you want to improve your marketing. Sure, we hear it all the...

Common themes for Business Success with CRM

As a Sage Business partner and small business entrepreneur focused on our clients' success, we strive to understand our clients' desired outcomes, both short...

Does your management chart resemble a silo or a web

Let me explain. When a business gets big enough, the CEO hires managers. They answer to the CEO, and they each have people whom they...

11 Critical Mistakes Salespeople Make with their CRM – #2

In the next series of blog posts we are going to discuss 11 critical mistakes that salespeople make with their CRM and how they...

The team you build will determine the business you build

I have worked with many an entrepreneur who could greatly improve their business results with a better team. Harvey Mackay has always had a way...

How your front line staff can increase referrals

Although there are many schools of thought regarding management styles in the workplace, there seems to be a common denominator in the relationship between...

7 Ways Inbound Marketing Helps You Help Your Clients

A journey starts with the first step. Here are 7 ways the Inbound Marketing University has helped me and my business help my clients... and...

Why should your customers refer you?

It's rare to be a one-of-a-kind business, with no competition. If that describes your business, you are fortunate, assuming there is a demand...

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