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Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker
Scott Brinker is the president & CTO of ion interactive, a leading provider of post-click marketing software and services. He writes the Conversion Science column on Search Engine Land and frequently speaks at industry events such as SMX, Pubcon and Search Insider Summit. He chairs the marketing track at the Semantic Technology Conference. He also writes a blog on marketing technology, Chief Marketing Technologist.

Digital marketing matures beyond “best practices”

My latest article on Search Engine Land, Landing Pages 3.0, makes the case that landing pages and conversion optimization are moving beyond the era...

Marketing as an object-oriented program?

I ran across an inspiring blog post this week by Jacques Spilka of Whatsnexx, titled Complexity killed marketing automation! (The if-it-bleeds-it-leads school of blog...

CMOs to agencies: adapt or die

The CMO Council released their latest report on client/agency effectiveness this week. (You can download a free executive summary from that link, or spring...

The Marketing Technology Frenemy Triangle

The title of an article in last week's AdAge Digital was Tech-Consulting Giants Slide Closer to Creative-Shop Turf. The subhead read, "Deloitte, Accenture are...

2011 was a big year for marketing technology

The Jordan, Edmiston Group, Inc. (JEGI), a leading investment bank in the marketing space, issued a report yesterday of 2011 M&A activity across media,...

You are what you don’t automate

"You are what you don't automate," one of ion's engineers commented in a meeting the other day. It was in the context of a series...

Why marketers should learn how to program

If you work in marketing, you might want to learn a little computer programming. Buy a book. Watch a screencast. Check out Codeacademy. No, really....

Follow the money from IT to marketing

Gartner recently released its report on IT predictions for 2012. The subhead of their press release boldly calls out their most stunning conclusion: predictions...

The Evergreen Laws of Marketing (techies take note!)

I've shared the laws of technology for marketers. But what about laws of marketing for technologists? The single most insightful marketing book I've ever read...

MarketingProfs podcast on the marketing technologist

Yesterday, MarketingProfs published a podcast interview between me and Matthew Grant on the topic of Why You Need a Marketing Technologist. We started by talking...

Agencies and the marketing technologist revolution

Today I'm presenting at Adobe's Partner Community Day in New York City on the topic of the rise of marketing technologist. This is an updated...

Forrester recommends a Marketing Technology Office

"Marketing must control its own technological destiny." Not too long ago, that was a radical proposition. (In some IT quarters, it might still be.) But…

The popularity contest between digital and TV

Sometimes it feels like the future takes a long time to arrive. While most of you reading this blog have likely been focused on...

More insight, less rhetoric in politics and marketing

If you haven't already seen Jess Bachman's brilliant "1-page book," Death & Taxes, you've got to check this out (click to enlarge): It's a superb...

14 marketing technology organizational models

The good news is that, at last, everyone agrees: Marketing technology is now a major dimension of marketing. The marketing department and the IT department…

3 takeaways on advertising and trust from Nielsen

Dave Chaffey curated a great graphic from Nielsen's most recent report on Trends in Advertising Spend and Effectiveness: As a visualization of Nielsen's Global Online...

Top 10 Memorable Quotes from the CIO-CMO Forum

Yesterday, I attended Forrester's inaugural CIO-CMO Forum. Sharyn Leaver, one of the hosts from Forrester, kicked off the event by saying, "This is the...

Marketing lessons from the CrunchFund controversy

This may be inside baseball, but I am mesmerized by the drama playing out at TechCrunch right now — and I can't help but...

Computational science/computational marketing

This morning I was reading a transcript of a talk the late Jim Gray gave a few years back on eScience: A Transformed Scientific...

7 Laws of Technology for Marketers

Not every marketer needs to be a technologist. But given how deeply technology is now entwined in modern marketing, every marketer should be familiar...

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