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Gary Katz

Gary Katz
Gary Katz, founder and chief strategy officer of Marketing Operations Partners, is a visionary and thought leader in the emerging Marketing Operations field. Marketing Operations Partners is a firm that helps enterprises overcome dysfunction, execute strategy, build shared vision and accountability, and strengthen strategic impact in all areas of marketing. Gary is a veteran with more than twenty years of marketing and change management experience in the technology industry in corporate, agency and entrepreneurial positions.

Four Keys to Marketing Operations Success

https://clearactioncx.com/four-keys-marketing-operations-success/ What does “best practices” in Marketing Operations (MO) look like, and how do industry-leading companies operate and integrate this highly valuable function? We polled…

7 Myths CMOs (and Their Bosses) Just Gotta Stop Buying

Sometimes it seems like Chief Marketing Officers are living in the Wild Wild West, riding their horses from town to town, frequenting one saloon...

Think Like Your Customer: Aligning Selling to Buying Process

I recently read Bill Stinnett's excellent book, Think Like Your Customer, which should be required reading for anyone in Sales and Marketing, especially if...

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