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Michael Lowenstein

Michael Lowenstein, PhD CMC
Michael Lowenstein, PhD CMC, specializes in customer and employee experience research/strategy consulting, and brand, customer, and employee commitment and advocacy behavior research, consulting, and training. He has authored seven stakeholder-centric strategy books and 400+ articles, white papers and blogs. In 2018, he was named to CustomerThink's Hall of Fame.

When Developing Communication Strategies, Should the Emphasis Be Put On Building The Personal(ized) Product/Service Brand…..Or The Corporate Brand?

Historically, people have tended to think of brands in terms of corporate logos, slogans, and even colors. From a macro corporate standpoint, that...

Why Should All Employees Be Focused On, And Tasked With, Delivering Customer Value?

The quick answer is: Because it's the smartest, and most customer-centric, productive and profitable, thing for any enterprise to practice. First reason: the...

Are Experience Consistency and Reliability Emotional Drivers?

As customer experience consultants who focus on the emotional elements of service and product customer experience and value delivery, we are often asked about...

Eliminating Experience Pain Points, and Creating Customer Satisfaction: Is This Ever Enough?

After recently reviewing the Forbes customer value/customer loyalty interview of TD Bank’s CMO, Vinoo Vijay, one of his areas of emphasis (in addition to...

Improving Effectiveness of Stakeholder Value and Experience ‘Experts’: How Often Do We Hear, But Not Really...

Movies can often provide us with nourishing food for thought. In the classic “Office Space” interview scene between Peter Gibbons, Bob, and Bob...

Clienteling Goes “Boom”: Successfully Merging Data, Brand Attachment, Employee Focus, Channel Usage, Emotional Experience, and Customer-Centricity

It has become increasingly well-understood by brands and companies that building an emotionally-based relationship with customers, through the various points of contact they use,...

Christmas in July: Amping Up Ecommerce Selling

Happy holidays!!! Wait a second….isn’t this the middle of Summer? Well, not if you shop Target, Best Buy, or Walmart online, or...

Getting Real With Virtual Banks. A Brave New World for Customers or Just More Impersonal Experiences?

Having earlier this year taken a look at the current reality, and possible customer experience future, of ...

Comcast’s NPS Gamble: Can The Metric Help Fix The Customer Experience Culture?

Recently, Comcast has received broad media coverage regarding its major customer experience transformation initiative. They have announced a multi-year plan whose key theme...

Target Rx?

Target, the mega-discount department store retailer, has had more than its share of operating and consumer trust woes over the past two years (http://customerthink.com/way-off-target-a-5-billion-failure-in-canada-and-problems-in-america/)....

The Advocating Customer: Why and How Word-of-Mouth Amplification Is the Future of Marketing

Word-of-mouth marketing is as simple as people talking to one another on behalf of a product or service, and it has been around for...

Customer Understanding Versus Customer Centricity: Which Is The More Effective Enterprise Strategy?

Recently, a consulting company which specializes in software and research for voice of the prospect, customer, and employee issued a blog which hypothesized that...

Product Recalls: When Customer Trust is Broken

Whenever a company has to retrieve, repair, or replace defective b2b or b2c consumer goods, it is not only a costly fix, but the...

“Other Than That, Mrs. Lincoln, How Was The Play?”

This is a brief discussion which will address the role of memory in customer experience, and particularly Kahneman’s “Peak-End Rule” as it pertains to...

Mirrors and Reflections: The Consequences of Gaps Between Vendor Perception and Customer Reality

Those of us involved in the inside (enterprise-level) and outside (marketplace-level) of designing and delivering the optimum customer experience understand the importance of looking...

Holacracy and 15% Employee Departures at Zappos: What Does This Mean for Legendary Enterprise Culture and Customers?

As reported on a couple of occasions last year - http://beyondphilosophy.com/new-zomm-zappos-organizational-management-model-might-mean-employees-might-mean-customers/ and http://customerthink.com/holacracy-at-zappos-if-there-is-no-room-for-voc-is-legendary-customer-loyalty-at-risk/ - Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, has...

The Ins (Clarity) – And Outs (Opacity) – Of Transparency With Customers

It’s an easy, and very straightforward, statement to make that vendor transparency (and authenticity, sincerity, value creation, and honesty) with ...

Turning Communities Into Loyal Customers (and Into Gold), Harry Potter-Style

In the Dark Ages, a legend grew up around the so-called Philosopher’s Stone. Ancient alchemists believed that, by touching this stone to base...

When Marketing’s Goal is to Emotionally Connect with Consumers…Content is the Once and Future King!

Defining the Objective(s) and Mechanics of Your Content Marketing Strategy Content marketing continues to be on the...

Want (or Need) Higher Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Recommendation Scores? The Real Question Is…..Why?

Spoiler Alert: Higher scores can’t be consistently attained by measuring satisfaction, loyalty, and recommendation!! Also, these scores don't tie very well to...

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