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Linda Ireland

Linda Ireland
Linda Ireland is co-owner and partner of Aveus LLC, a global strategy and operational change firm that helps leaders find money in the business performance chain while improving customer experiences. As author of Domino: How to Use Customer Experience to Tip Everything in Your Business toward Better Financial Performance, Linda built on work done at Aveus and aims to deliver real-life, actionable, how-to help for leaders of any organization.

Did Hsieh sell Zappos to save its customer experience?

Tony Hsieh’s piece in Inc. on why he sold Zappos to Amazon is more than a summary of the themes of his new book,...

Stat of the week: growth organizations and customer experience

Is your company a gangly, fast growing teenager?  In its prime?  Or struggling to stay alive in a declining marketplace?  This week’s stat reveals...

Has the oil spill effected the BP Customer Experience?

Now that BP’s “Top Kill” effort has failed to stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, I wonder if they’ll take the...

Stat of the week: 3 customer experience themes. No consensus.

When leaders in our study said “YES – there is a definition of customer experience that’s well understood across my organization,” we knew clarity...

Stat of the week: the leader gap

This week we look at perceptions about customer experience held by different leadership levels of the organization. You’ve heard about the digital gap. The...

Stat of the week: which industry is least likely to define an experience for its customers?

Post number 3  in our new stat of the week series.  Some really great discussions triggered here and on twitter. Join us! Here’s this week’s...

Stat of the week: Are experience-driven organizations more profitable?

Last week we kicked off our customer experience stat of the week series. We learned that two-thirds of leaders surveyed say their organizations...


As a line executive, long before the phrase “customer experience” had found its way into our business lexicon, I noticed something about what worked...

Ten things I’d do if I were in charge of an airline’s customer experience

Being a CEO accountable for the customer experience of a major airline must be one of the toughest jobs out there today.  With few...

Don’t want the answer? Don’t ask the question: Part 2

After spotting this post, where I shared with amazement the call I’d received from my dealer regarding a recent service experience, my colleague Dan...

The best books on customer experience

Over at LinkedIn, in the Customer Experience Management group, Ted Kinni asked the group for help with a simple challenge: I’m working on a literature...

Will CIGNA free its customers of “insurance-ese?”

I’ve noticed recently that CIGNA is making a lot of noise about their Customer Experience, and when I spotted the press release about ...

The importance of WHILE

Clients often tell me that my firm Aveus excels at finding money trapped in the performance chain* while strengthening customer experiences. We love the kudos...

Clayton Christensen and your product’s job

I’m a Clayton Christensen fan.  Highly revered for coining the phrase disruptive innovation and championing the theory, Christensen has guided product and business strategy...

When customer experience isn’t for customers

We often talk about customer experience and how it pertains to our customers, the people (or businesses) who will use our goods and services....

Focusing on customer experience helps Starbucks rebound

As you know I’ve been following Starbucks and their 15th Ave experiment, and it looks like the gamble has paid off. According to the NY...

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