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Joseph Michelli

Joseph Michelli, Ph.D.
Joseph Michelli, Ph.D., an organizational consultant and the chief experience officer of The Michelli Experience, authored The New Gold Standard: 5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company and the best-selling The Starbucks Experience: 5 Principles for Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary.

Keys to Choosing Customer-Centric Business Tactics

A clearly defined business strategy makes tactical decision-making easier. Let’s take the case of Home Depot, one of the major US-based home improvement...

How to turn mission into vision

I have been talking a great deal about service-centricity as the foundation for customer-centricity. Let’s further that discussion to examine what it takes...

Are you service-centric?

Previously, I’ve shared 4 customer interaction strategies that businesses either consciously or inadvertently deploy. Those strategies are product-centric, service-centric, customer-centric, and customer-adaptive. ...

Shakespeare and Business

Hamlet…”To thine own self be true.” I sometimes wonder if leadership experts that I admire, like John Maxwell, ever make business missteps? If they...

4 Key Business Strategies

Do you really know what strategy your business is following with regard to products, customers, service, and experience? I was impressed recently by...

Too Much of A Good Thing?

As a customer experience designer, I can’t believe I am asking this question but here goes…Can you ever enrich a customer experience too much?...

8 Best Ways to Get Consumers’ Attention

Stop trying to sell me your stuff when you have no concept what I need! Ok there I said it! I am...

6 Keys to True Leadership

I am convinced that many leaders inspire followership through words alone but truly great leaders transform those words in action. One such example...

A Bidding War for Your Business

What is the world coming to? This is a question, I often remember my father asking. Normally, the question was followed by...

Take It From Ritz-Carlton: Data Is Nothing Without the Personal Touches

When a man from the U.S. East Coast preparing to spend a month in San Francisco on business walked into the doors of the...

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