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Jeffrey Gitomer

Jeffrey Gitomer
Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The New York Times best sellers The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, The Little Black Book of Connections, and The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude.

Define leadership. Now redefine it in terms of you.

It occurred to me that most people who write about leadership are no longer leaders. Easy for them to espouse their Monday morning philosophy-harder for...

Make a Sale on Monday. It Does Wonders for Your Week.

If you're looking for consistency in selling performance, try these steps. You won't believe how lucky you start to get. Monday. How you do on...

What Are You Really Asking Of “Your People?”

"I want my people to be accountable." "I want our people to be MORE accountable." "Our main issue this year is 'accountability.'" Sound familiar? Accountability…

Self-Evaluation of the Basic Elements of Leadership

AM I THE LEADER I WANT TO BE? Leaders rarely get to evaluate themselves. Below is your opportunity to take a brief look in...

Jeffrey Answers a Question on Cold Calling | Real World Sales Wisdom

RSS readers may click here for the video. Here are 12.5 real world connection strategies to eliminate cold calling. These are not "no brainers." They're...

Are You Always Right or Wrong? Probably Right. Too Bad.

Why do salespeople always have to be right? Why do customer service people always have to be right? When a customer calls and has a...

Are You the Leader or Just the Boss?

The leader of a symphony orchestra knows how to play every instrument. He also knows how those instruments blend together to create a symphonic...

8.5 Qualities of a Sales Leader. How Many Have You Got?

1. Maintain a positive attitude…Solution oriented. Action oriented. People oriented. A leader's enthusiasm is contagious. If you get too close, you can catch a...

What’s the Sincerity Level of Your Message?

When someone tells me to "Have a nice day," I don't think they mean it. I think they're just saying it as a kind...

What is the Value? Where is the Value? Who Perceives the Value?

You have been making value perceptions and value judgments your entire life. You may call them decisions, moments of truth, or actions. Intuitively they focus...

A new way to look at questions and engagement: emotionally

When you're asking an existing or prospective customer a question, the object is to get them to think and respond emotionally. To most salespeople this...

How is Your Ability to Make the Sale?

"Jeffrey, what's the BEST way to make a sale?" When I'm asked this question (I'm asked it all the time), what the salesperson's really asking...

Keeping Good Salespeople is Harder Than Finding Them!

What are you doing to keep your salespeople? Here's a list of 23.5 elements to build and grow a stellar sales team: 1. Structure a...

Selling at any level. The only difference is YOU!

Sales is sales. It's not who you're calling on, or what you're selling. It's how you present yourself. If you sell used cars, computers,...

Celebrating the Sale

When you make a sale you celebrate. That's okay for a minute or two. Then what? What are you doing for that customer after...

Hard is Easy, When You Discover Easy is Hard.

Make a sale – that's the easy part. Now comes the hard part: Doing everything else. Making the sale is not just the money and…

The Social Revolution and Your Evolution.

The social revolution has changed the way you sell forever. Only problem is, most salespeople have no idea of that – YET! As business social...

Practical Information About Making Sales Today | Self Test

Are you using the WOW factor? What is WOW? – WOW is sales! WOW separates the strong from the weak. WOW separates the sincere from…

Practical Information About Making Sales Today.

You can measure how much WOW is in your sales effort by looking at the following ten aspects of what makes up WOW: 1. Be...

The mile between satisfied and loyal. The EXTRA mile.

Have you ever heard the phrase, He went the extra mile? I want to talk to you about the "extra mile" in a way that...

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