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Jeffrey Gitomer

Jeffrey Gitomer
Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The New York Times best sellers The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, The Little Black Book of Connections, and The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude.

Sales Offers and Value Messages – Do You Know the Difference?

There's a huge difference between your sales offer and a value message… • Sales offers repel, or are only accepted at the moment of genuine...

It’s That Time of Year: “Call Me Back After the Holidays.”

Humbug. Salespeople hate holidays. It's an excuse for decision makers to put buying decisions on hold. But the worst of them are the Christmas...

How Do You Find Qualified Salespeople?

Jeffrey, I am a devoted reader of your weekly e-zine, and a fellow Phillies fan. I'm not a salesperson by title, but as GM turned...

To Bid or Not to Bid? That is the Sales Question

"They get bids for everything and always take the lowest bid." "They send out an RFP and I can never speak to the decision maker."…

Why Did You Lose the Sale? Really?

74% of salespeople complain about losing a sale because their price was too high. And 74% of them are wrong. How did you lose the...

All Airlines are the Same, Except for Their People

As you may know, I'm a regular flyer. About 200 flights a year. Mostly on major airlines, but because I'm more interested in flying...

Selling – What’s the Difference? What’s the Weakness?

Hi Jeffrey, I just purchased your new book on the 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling. As usual, it's full of amazing content. But as...

Motives to Buy Are The Most Powerful Motivator to Securing a Sale.

I focus on buying motives. Reason? They're a million times more powerful than selling skills. Make that a zillion. And here's the best part —...

Are your sales historical or hysterical?

Summer's over. Back to school. Boy, there are some memories. High school. College. Subjects you loved, subjects you hated. Teachers you loved, teachers you hated.…

Like me! Why should I like you? Eh, I have no idea!

If you can remember that far back in Facebook history (2007), it started as a "fan" page. Then one day (way back in 2010),...

The POWER of Sales Success. It’s all within you!

The POWER of Sales Success. It's all within you! Yesterday I talked about the power of sales success and gave you the first ten personal...

The POWER of Sales Success is 100% in Your Control

Every salesperson wants to think of him or herself as powerful but, if asked, would have no idea where their power actually comes from. Most...

Self Education Will Earn You a Fortune | Jeffrey’s Sales Tips

What is selling about? Let me give you the non-sales skills version. It is the version that leads to buying. These are the life...

Replacing the Cold Call with: ANYTHING!

Here are 12.5 real world connection strategies to eliminate cold calling. These are not "no brainers." They're "brainers!" They're ideas and strategies that require...

Now is the time to rise up, be counted, and kick butt.

For years big corporations ruled the world, and the business world – not any more. Most of them are hurting – wounded – dying...

Best Books to Improve Leadership | Leadership Tips

RSS readers click here. REALITY: Every single person in every single company is either in sales or affects sales. Every single person in every single...

What do you do EVERY DAY to build attraction and brand?

PERSONAL REALITY: You wake up, shower, shave (M), put on makeup (F), brush your teeth, and comb/fix your hair (if you have any). Every...

Twitter thoughts and Twitter thinking. Tweet and Re-Tweet.

Most people reading this have never tweeted. (You included?) On the off chance that you have tweeted, my guess is you have less than...

Four Words: Winner. Whiner. Smart. Dumb. Pick Two!

QUESTION: What does smart selling mean to you? MY ANSWER: It doesn't take as much brains as it does take understanding. So, I have created...

Can leaders influence without authority?

I just read this quote: "The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." WHAT? Eh, not quite. It's sounds good when you first...

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