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Jeannie Walters

Jeannie Walters, CCXP
Jeannie Walters is a Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP,) a charter member of the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA,) a globally recognized speaker, a LinkedIn Learning and Lynda.com instructor, and a Tedx speaker. She’s a very active writer and blogger, contributing to leading publications from Forbes to Pearson college textbooks. Her mission is “To Create Fewer Ruined Days for Customers.”

A Shot in the Arm for the No Good Healthcare Experience

It was supposed to be a routine, but necessary, appointment… At my son’s physical, we noticed a weird thing and were referred to a dermatologist....

Customer Journeys Are More Jungle Gym Than Funnel

The following is a Best of 360Connext post. Humans like things that make sense. Math. Logic. GPS Directions. Customer journeys are often represented in the…

Should It Be Painful for Customers to Cancel?

There is a booming industry around subscription services right now. Birchbox is possibly the best known and one of the most successful business models. But…

3 Ways Your Org Chart Creates B2B Customer Nightmares

Customers don’t care who owns what part of their business, but organizations often do. This conflict leads to customer frustration and decreased loyalty. Think about it....

Your Journey Map is Incomplete without Competitors

Mapping the journey your customers take with you from their perspective can be a very powerful tool. In B2B experiences, journey maps can become very...

The 5 Customer Leadership Competencies Every CCO Must Embrace

I had the pleasure of reading Jeanne Bliss’s new book, Chief Customer Officer 2.0, and can’t wait to tell you why you should read...

5 Ways Everyone Wins with Proactive Social Media Engagement

Social media as a customer service channel is now a given. Customers turn to this method when they are frustrated, and aren’t afraid to air...

Improve the Customer Experience In 60 Minutes or Less

“It’s just so much!” It’s a refrain I hear and live every day. Executives tell me: There is usually so much we COULD do with…

5 Success Lessons from Top Execs at Alibaba and AMEX

I had the unique opportunity to be part of a small crowd of business leaders invited to a special event hosted by American Express. American...

Contamination Alert! How to Purify a Toxic Workplace Culture

Ever walk in on a couple who is in the middle of a fight? It’s human to want to back away slowly, hoping they...

How to Increase Marketing Reach: Activate Your Advocates Now!

Organizations long for brand advocates. Advocates love their products, provide valuable feedback, and want to spread the news about their favorite company to others! Yet many companies…

Stop Looking at Channels for the Best Omnichannel Experience

I hosted a webinar last week about digital experience. We’ve developed a process here called Digital Micromapping. This is the next step after customer...

Are You Making the Most of your Customer Service Superstars?

Ask any group of customers what they liked about any recent customer experience, and they typically mention the same thing. Although they aren’t things… It’s...

The Beautiful Intersection of Content and Customer Experience

Have you ever considered the many, many ways content impacts the customer experience? I have. I’ve dwelled on it. And then I read Ann...

5 Customer Journey Mapping Mistakes that Lead You Nowhere

Understanding what your customers are doing when is such a sexy, intriguing topic. We all want to better comprehend why our customers behave the way...

Content Shock and Content Ignition: A Conversation with Mark Schaefer

I think intuitively we all accept we’re inundated with more information and content than anyone can actually process. But do you realize how fast...

Tapping Into Real-Time Customer Input

Have you ever struggled with how you can listen better to your customers? What if you have lots of them? What if they love your product...

Challenging Your Focus on Customers

I have a challenge for you. In the next few weeks at your organization, see if you can identify some themes. Keep a tally of how many…

The Tinderization of Mobile Customer Expectations

The world is changing, and fast. We’ve come to accept the incredible pace of innovation. But have you thought of how it’s impacting your customer’s...

How are Marketing and PR Setting Your Customer’s Expectations?

In many ways, publicity and marketing set the stage for your customers, and it can lead to moments of delight or huge disappointment. Better marketing isn’t...

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