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Jacob Morgan

Jacob Morgan
I'm a best-selling author, keynote speaker, and futurist who explores what the future of work is going to look like and how to create great experiences so that employees actually want to show up to work. I've written three best-selling books which are: The Employee Experience Advantage (2017), The Future of Work (2014), and The Collaborative Organization (2012).

The Most Common Types of Manager Resistance To Enterprise Collaboration and How to Deal With It

Based on a research report Chess Media Group released last year on the State of Enterprise 2.0 Collaboration, the most common types of managers...

Banning Non-Work Related Content: One of the Biggest Mistakes Your Company Can Make!

Oftentimes the topic of non work related content comes up when discussing internal collaboration. Specifically, managers want to know how they can make...

The Death of Human Decision Making

I'm not quite sure when this happened but at some point we began relying more on technology to make decisions for us and less...

The Current State and Business Value of Employee Collaboration (Infographic)

I recently came across this infographic created by Clinked which does a great job of telling the collaboration story. I actually never heard...

Can You Create a Collaborative Organization Without Technology?

Is it possible to change behaviors or to build a collaborative organization without technology? Think about that for a moment before you answer. Let's...

Insights from a Customer Care (SOCAP) and Knowledge Management (KMWorld) Conference

I spent this week traveling to San Diego where I spoke at the SOCAP conference and D.C where I spoke at KMWorld (the week...

Twelve Principles of Collaboration Presentation

The 12 principles of collaboration has been a topic that I have been writing about for a little while now but have never really...

The Future Workforce

When Chess was writing our case study with Booz Allen Hamilton on the U.S. Department of State and their collaboration initiatives, they told us...

Collaboration Use Cases for Executives

A few days ago my friend Karthik (who works at Salesforce) called me up to get some ideas and advice on collaboration use cases...

Collaboration and Fitness

Collaboration platforms today have a unique ability to connect employees in the workplace on multiple levels. Today that focus is largely around actions...

Picking the Right Collaboration Vendor Can Help You Avoid Wasting Time and Money

There's a bit of an unsettling trend that I'm starting to pick up on more frequently these days. That trend is some organizations...

Mapping Use Cases to Collaboration Platform Requirements

One of the things that organizations really need to consider when evaluating collaborative solutions is their use cases. Not only that, but also...

Managing Information: Email Vs a Collaboration Platform

At a recent client workshop the topic of information flow came up. Basically the discussion was around how information is handled via email...

IT as Change Agents NOT Roadblocks

There is a bit of a clash (as has usually been the case) between business managers and IT professionals, especially when it comes to...

Getting the Attention of Senior Management for Collaboration

There are situations where no matter how hard mid-level management or employees push something, upper management just remains oblivious. Successful collaboration initiatives have...

Marketing Your Collaboration Initiative Internally, a Lesson from Yum! Brands

We underestimate the crucial role that marketing plays when it comes to enterprise collaboration initiatives. I'm not necessarily referring to the marketing department...

Collaboration Isn’t About Technology But

I've received a few responses to some articles I have written over the past few weeks which all say things like "collaboration isn't about...

What are the Technology Capabilities that Enable Collaboration?

Over the past few years collaborative platforms have evolved quite a bit. It's important for us to consider what makes these collaborative tools...

The Strength of Weak Ties (and Why They Matter to Collaboration)

Oftentimes we focus on building strong relationships with people, strong ties. After all, the better we know someone and the stronger the relationship...

How Distance Impacts Employee Communication and Collaboration

How often do you communicate or collaborate with colleagues that sit next do you? What about colleagues that are down the hall? ...

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