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Heverton Anunciação

Heverton Anunciação
CRM and CX Consultant. Author of main research and books in this subject in the Latin America region to integrate CRM, CX, and Data Science

Meet the world’s most pessimistic company

IMAGEM: TOOLS CHARACTER (animaniacis disney) This week many companies experienced a worldwide problem of 3 applications being offline: Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp. The losses are...

Data Science for “Virgins”

image: heverton anunciacao You are there on your computer and making a new product or sales report. Then all of a sudden, your director asks...

Reengineering 2.0

In 2012, in an article of the Harvard Business Review magazine, the dean of Rotman School of Management, Roger Martin, wrote something that started...

The Pleasure of Brand Betrayal

I come to the public to confess: I cheated. That is-me, I betrayed. But I didn’t cheat alone, and I confess I’ll keep cheating....

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