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Hutch Carpenter

Hutch Carpenter
Hutch Carpenter is a Strategic Consultant with HYPE Innovation, where he helps clients get the maximum value from their innovation programs. He's a firm believer in the concept of jobs-to-be-done, which stresses the importance of understanding customers' wants and needs. He also sports a 2:57 marathon PR. Dad to two awesome kids.

Carving Up the Retail Industry by Customer Jobs to Be Done

Online retailers had a heck of 2011 holiday season, up 15%. Whew, in a tough economy no less. But the news wasn't as good...

Four Innovation Insights Customers Provide

Customers, properly, have been having a renaissance of sorts in terms of business thinking. Peter Drucker famously espoused a very customer-centric business philosophy. Nowadays,...

Is Google+ More Facebook or More Twitter? Yes

Quick, what existing social network is Google+ most likely to displace in terms of people's time? Another Try by Google to Take On Facebook Claire…

Four reasons enterprise software should skip native mobile apps

The desire to "consumerize" mobile apps for their own sake is stoking today's outsized enthusiasm with device-specific enterprise mobile apps at a time when...

I’m Not Actually a Geek

On Quora, this question was recently asked: Is the upvote bias towards more popular answerers a threat to quality on Quora? One answer caught my…

Will Quorans Develop Enough Spine to Ensure Quality?

On Quora, this question was recently asked: Is the upvote bias towards more popular answerers a threat to quality on Quora? One answer caught my…

Three Pluses, Three Minuses of Quora as a KM System

This question was posted on Quora, "In 10 words or less, what is Quora?" My answer: Powerful application of crowdsourcing and social networking to knowledge...

Beyond Social CRM: The Open Innovation Revolution

The idea of bringing customers into the process of defining the products and service of your organization is one that is gaining a lot...

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