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Guy Stephens

Guy Stephens
Guy is a social customer care trainer/consultant who has been in the social customer care space since 2008. He is also the Co-founder of Snak Academy, which provides online social customer care microlearning for individuals and SMEs.

Social customer care: What’s the role of Google in your customer service?

My washing machine broke down not so long ago. The rubber seal had somehow got a hole in it and was leaking water all...

Building the future of online communities

I was fortunate enough to be invited to take part in a roundtable discussion hosted by giffgaff the other week – Building the future...

Social customer care: Jeremiah, I’m struggling with scalability and ‘escape velocity’

I was reading a post by Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang) recently – Strategy: Five steps to achieve 'escape velocity' – and finally stay out of...

Social customer care: Rethinking the definition of customer service

It's taken awhile for me to come to this conclusion, but I now realize that "the company" is no longer the master of all...

Social customer care: The socialisation of communication channels

I was working with a colleague - @PdeRobert – a few months back to try and show how social customer care channels have evolved,...

Social customer care: social objects and #custserv

I was at a #DigitalSurrey talk the other night given by Ade Oshineye (@ade_oshineye) a Developer Advocate at Google. Ade's talk was titled -...

Social customer care: Robert Burns and social media

I recently attended a Customer Contact Association masterclass on 'Social media, mobile and online customer communications'. The masterclass was attended by a range of...

Social customer care: My Q&A on Who’s Your Gladys?

I was recently kindly asked by Marilyn Suttle (@MarilynSuttle) to appear in the January 2011 issue of their monthly newsletter for Who's Your Gladys?....

Social customer care: Quora as a customer service platform

I’ve been spending a bit of time on Quora lately. I signed up to Quora when it was first launched, but largely ignored it...

Social customer care: We want what we want when we want it

I missed the weekly #custserv Tweetchat last night – "Customer Service Trends for 2011? Jan 2 #custserv chat Tweetshow - which was discussing Forrester's...

Klout and social customer care: When is someone influential?

Having not really Tweeted at all over the Christmas period I thought I would check out my Klout score. Prior to Christmas it was...

Social customer care: Focus on your attitude, not the channel

I was reading a post by @JRagsdale the other day – Interaction Volume by Channel: The 2011 Outlook. Traditionally, businesses have tried to, in the...

Social customer care: Is it scalable? Yes, no, maybe, not sure

I often read about or get asked the question: Is social customer care scalable? I don't have a definitive answer on this, but I do,...

Social customer care: Phones are for texting not speaking, dummy!

It's snowing outside at the moment and I just tweeted the fact using the hashtag #uksnow and scoring it 2/10. This is an insignificant...

A visual social customer care primer

A colleague of mine @RichardSedley tweeted about Fuselab's Montage the other day. 'Montage' is a new 'web-based service that makes it fun and easy...

Social customer care: Do #custserv surveys help build customer relationships

Every Tuesday night at 9pm EST (I'm suddenly not sure if it's EST, but I do know it's 2am in the UK when it...

Social customer care: Providing help ‘at source’ on Facebook

I've been thinking a lot about Facebook recently and I've got to admit I was a definite late comer. I use it to keep...

Social customer care & Klout

I've been reading about the use of Klout within a customer service context, in particular Assistly's decision to adopt Klout as their 'standard for...

Social customer care: A customer’s perspective of social #custserv

I first spoke with Anjali back in 2009 when I was working at The Carphone Warehouse and she Tweeted about a problem she was...

Social customer care: What’s more important – a complaint via Twitter or email?

Following an interview I gave on Smart Insights (Dave Chaffey) about the use of social within customer care, I was asked the following question: Question:...

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