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Dave Cooke

Dave Cooke
I leverage my 25 years experience in sales and marketing to create and implement strategic initiatives and develop educational programs that increase both revenues and profits. I take great pride in my experience in turbulent, chaotic, and transitional work environments. It is from these experiences that I have developed my commitment to collaborative teams, strong internal and external relationships, effective communication, decisive leadership, and a cohesive, collaborative strategy as keys to sustainable revenue growth.

Take the Trip Together

Salespeople have this incredible hunger to "close" the deal. All those not-so-wonderful sales school training programs that teach us to "close more business",...

Get Out of the Habit

Over the past few weeks I have discussed in several presentations — keynotes and training classes — the importance of re-connecting with customers. ...

The Best Leave Behind

"The only leave behind you need is your goodwill." One of my clients was talking about their cold calling process. Part of the process...

Putting the Client First

This week I was engaged in several site visit training sessions with one of my clients. The purpose of these sessions was to...

Opportunity in the Chaos

Let's read the tea leaves for a moment: the stock market is in chaos, the economy has not really produced any real, new...

Defining a Top Salesperson

A top salesperson is "someone who grows their business by growing the client's business." ~ Frank Lee, Sales Academy in Dallas. What a...

E-Versation Inefficiency

While many people rely on email, text messaging, and various social media platforms to engage in communication with others, when it comes to sales...

Changing the Culture of Engagement

Commission-driven salespeople who depend on quota fulfillment to keep their jobs on a revenue treadmill that increases its speed year to year will never...

Sales Professionalism (Part 2)

In last week's post, I talked about two of the distinct professional differences between salespeople and physicians.  The following is a continuation of these...

Avoiding the Race to Zero

We have all read the stories about the company that was experiencing incredible sales and profits only to become irrelevant at some point in...

The Direction of Your Customer Service Improvements

I was working with a client recently that was in the early stages of improving their customer service process. They felt the need...

The Short-Term-itis Plague

It is prevalent in our lives everywhere. It affects our thinking, our prioritization, our decision making, our lives, and our future. It...

Know, Do, Repeat

Know, do, repeat. Looks like the words on the back of a shampoo bottle — wash, rinse, repeat. Sustainable revenue growth can...

My Obsession with Creativity and Innovation

Several years ago I sat in on presentation about innovation and creativity. The presenter talked about the importance of creativity in the strategic...

Congruent Leadership

Nothing frustrates me more that leaders who have this unique ability to establish two sets of rules, behaviors, and values in an organization. ...

Leadership Lost and Found

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other." ~ John F. Kennedy Leadership is a pretty popular topic in today's business climate. As organizations continue...

The Management Commitment

I enjoyed a great interactive conversation with an old client who is in the process of managing his first team. His biggest concerns...

Making Progress

Are you making progress in your business by sheer will and determination; or, are you experiencing consistent, reliable, and steady growth? This question was prompted...

Understanding the Irate Customer

When dealing with an irate customer, how does your team manage the resolution process? Customer frustration and dissatisfaction is often manifested through emotional...

Organizational Growth Initiatives

I read a recent blog post by Brad Power entitled "Get Your Operations in Shape by Focusing on Process." Though not a...

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