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Dave Brock

Dave Brock
Dave has spent his career developing high performance organizations. He worked in sales, marketing, and executive management capacities with IBM, Tektronix and Keithley Instruments. His consulting clients include companies in the semiconductor, aerospace, electronics, consumer products, computer, telecommunications, retailing, internet, software, professional and financial services industries.

“They Aren’t Using CRM!!!”

The first time a sales manager made this statement to me, in frustration, was about 20 years ago. Since then, it’s become the common complaint…

The Pipeline Review

I was meeting with a client, we were doing the first pipeline review as part of their implementation of the Sales Execution Framework. Pipeline reviews…

We Don’t Lose Because Of What We Sell!

Sit down with most sales people doing a loss review. The majority of the reasons cited for losing are: PricePriceProduct deficienciesRestrictions in how we do…

Disciplined Execution, The Secret To Success!

Human beings are always looking for the secrets to success. Somehow, we want to believe there is the “one thing” that drives success. In sales…

What About The Forecast?

Forecasting is important to our business, we spend a lot of time (often too much) on forecasts. But too often, we get forecasting wrong. Some…

Leadership, Patiently Impatient

I got a call from one of the most inspiring leaders I know: “Dave, I’m so frustrated, I have a vision for what we could…

On Innovation

Innovation is important. We all know there is a limit to doing the same old things, over and over. Even though we may do them…

“I’m Drowning In Reviews!”

Recently, I was speaking to a number of sales execs. We were talking about how to improve the performance of their teams. One manager in…

Learning From Our Failures

As much as we want to, and should, focus on our sales successes, a large part of sales has to do with failure. We win…

Sales Pipeline, Quantity Or Quality?

You probably think this is a trick question, the answer is obvious, isn’t it? Be careful before you respond too quickly…… Now, I’ve got you…

“I Don’t Have Time To Coach/Do Reviews!”

I sit with management teams discussing Sales Execution Discipline and the importance of a regular coaching and review cadence. Inevitably, during the discussion, one manager…

I Have A Problem With “Storytelling”

Storytelling seems to have come into fashion over the past few years. Too often, we have tried to overwhelm our customers with logic, data, and…

The Fastest Way To Fix Sales Performance

Hundreds of pundits, thousands of articles, hundreds of books, hundreds/thousands of sales/marketing automation suppliers purport to have their miracle cures to fixing sales performance. Somehow…

Sales Coaching, One Size Never Fits All!

Too often, our sales coaching, if we do it, really misses the mark. We tend to look at things the same way, coaching our people…

Please Hire My Solution

Think of the last time you were looking for a job, or being interviewed for a position you really wanted. What did you do to…

Sales Performance Improvement, Where To Start

I wrote, “Improving Sales Performance Without Changing How You Sell.” Readers started responding, “This is great, where do we start?” Here are some thoughts: “One…

Insight Is Always Contextual!

HBR recently published an article, “Why ‘Tell Them Something They Don’t Know’ Is Bad Advice In B2B Sales.” The title is very “clickbaity,” upon reading…

Improving Sales Performance Without Changing “How You Sell”

Too often, as executives look to improve sales performance, they look to doing something new or different. It may be adopting a new methodology, new…

“The Right Commission Plan Will Fix Everything….”

It’s that time of year. Many senior sales execs are starting their planning for next fiscal year. Inevitably, the commission plan becomes part of the…

Discovery, What’s Your Customer Learning?

We get discovery wrong in so many ways: We fail to do discovery. We jump straight to the pitch.We ask all the questions we are…

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