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David Jackson

David Jackson
David is CEO of TheCustomer.Co, advising senior executives on building customer focused companies. Before starting TheCustomer.Co, David founded and was CEO of Clicktools, the global leader in feedback software integrated with CRM. He sold the business in 2014. David is a recognised expert in the area of customer focused organisations.

On-boarding : The key to retention for SaaS companies

You only get one chance to make a first impression and research suggests that people form an opinion of others within 7-20 seconds. ...

Are customer journey maps the wrong path?

From the provocative title you might think I do not believe in customer focus. Nothing could be further from the truth! I...

Do your surveys create dissatisfaction?

Customer surveys are a staple of the customer experience process and the most commonly-used way of measuring the customer experience. You would expect therefore...

Organising for customer focus: the case for customer clusters

I recently wrote a blog on organising for customer focus, spurred by the debate about whether a Chief Customer Officer or Chief Marketing Officer...

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