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Christopher Ryan

Christopher Ryan
Christopher Ryan is CEO of Fusion Marketing Partners, a B2B marketing consulting firm and interim/fractional CMO. He blogs at Great B2B Marketing and you can follow him at Google+. Chris has 25 years of marketing, technology, and senior management experience. As a marketing executive and services provider, Chris has created and executed numerous programs that build market awareness, drive lead generation and increase revenue.

Why You Need to Be Hooked on Your Customers

I just read the brand new book by Bob Thompson: Hooked On Customers: The Five Habits of Legendary Customer-Centric Companies. As a marketer,...

Three Essential Content Marketing Practices

Content Marketing Essentials When I served on the AIM board, I occasionally had dealings with Bryant Duhon, the organization’s editor and community manger. I always...

Social Media – Driving Competitive Advantage for B2B Marketers

eMarketing Strategy’s Ruth Stevens, one of the nation’s foremost practitioners of B2B marketing, posted the above graphic on LinkedIn. Based on our experience speaking with...

5 Characteristics of a Winning B2B Marketer

There are a few characteristics that will help you not only survive, but thrive—regardless of any shifts in the changing marketing landscape.  Following are...

How to Find Elusive B2B Buyers

Okay, it’s time for a little honesty. How many of your potential buyers want to hear from you on an unsolicited basis?  How many...

The Pros and Cons of Competitive Marketing

As a B2B marketing outsource provider, our clients sometimes ask about the advisability of running a competitive marketing campaign. This is a decision that...

Why Your Allies and Actions Are Crucial in B2B Marketing

Tom Peters, noted management guru and author of groundbreaking books like In Search of Excellence and Pursuit of WOW, published some great (and free)...

Assumptions are the Enemy of Good B2B Marketing

Human nature causes us to assume that others share our interests, fears and motivations. We tell ourselves: I am an intelligent and logical person...

B2B Marketing: Know the Trends, Pick the Right Strategy

What key tactics best fit our Marketing Strategy?What B2B marketing tactics are working now for others, and how well?Where should we emphasize or deemphasize...

Is Marketing Passé? You Be the Judge

Steve Case, founder of AOL, just wrote an article for Mashable about Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp. The article is titled 10 Lessons We Can Learn...

How To Protect Your B2B Marketing Budget

In a recent discussion on the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) LinkedIn network, Art Hyde asked this question: How do you keep your marketing budget...

Big Bang Marketing is Out – Agile is In

I got the idea for a blog post from an uberflip.com interview with Jeremy Burton, chief marketing officer of EMC.  Burton made some great...

Get on Board the Mobile Marketing Revolution

International Data Corp.’s 2013 Tech Marketing Benchmark Study shows that B2B companies this year allocated only 1.7% of their marketing budgets for mobile ads,...

Use Digital Content to Shorten the B2B Sales Cycle

It seems like everyone is talking about B2C and B2B content marketing. Marketers, sales reps, and business owners are becoming aware of the many...

B2B Social Media: To Connect or Not to Connect

Friends and colleagues occasionally ask me if they should accept the various connection requests from social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. This...

Marketing Resolutions for 2014

Someone sent me a list of "unusual New Year's resolutions" and I found two to be particularly interesting: I will not bore my boss with...

B2B Sales and Marketing Trends for 2014

One of the great things about my job is the opportunity to work with some of the leading B2B companies in the US and...

Criteria of an Effective B2B Offer – Part 2

In my last blog post, I talked about the criteria of effective B2B offers and also shared the concept of a soft vs. hard...

The Criteria of an Effective B2B Marketing Offer

B2B marketing is always challenging, but even more so when you are in a crowded market space filled with tough competitors. There are ways...

The Biggest Threat to Your B2B Marketing Success

Of all the threats to your ability to achieve marketing success, perhaps the most insidious is inertia. According to Wikipedia, "Inertia is the...

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