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Colleen Stanley

Colleen Stanley
Colleen Stanley is president of SalesLeadership, Inc. a business development consulting firm specializing in sales and sales management training. The company provides programs in prospecting, referral strategies, consultative sales training, sales management training, emotional intelligence and hiring/selection. She is the author of two books, Emotional Intelligence For Sales Success, now published in six languages, and author of Growing Great Sales Teams.

Three Ways Sales Managers Can Teach Their Team to Fail Well

Click on image to view video Many salespeople have heard the phrase, “You learn more from your failures than your successes.”   However, if you look...

Account Management or Account Stagnation?

You have several good clients.  However, you know those good clients are purchasing a few lines of business from your competitor.    You know you...

Sales Management: How Long Do You Hang On?

This question has been asked by more than one sales manager.   When do I let a salesperson go?  Have I given the person enough...

Do You Need a Sales Fitbit®?

I was conducting a sales management course last week with a group of very sharp sales managers.  The conversation was focused on the importance...

Sales Pipeline or Pipe Dream

Monday mornings start off with sales meetings and the infamous sales pipeline review. The sales manager interrogates, the salesperson fabricates and the CFO wonders...

He’s Just Not That Into You

You met with the prospect and thought you ran an effective meeting.  The prospect seemed engaged and interested.  He said all the right things. ...

How To Lose A Customer In 10 Days

If it wasn’t for the darn customers, business would be easy.  They are so demanding. You can also blame poor sales results on Wall...

Are You Confusing Being Busy With Being Productive?

You’ve all seen this salesperson.  He looks busy, complains there isn’t enough time to get everything done and has no sales results to show...

Why Overcoming Objections Doesn’t Work

When I started in sales over 20 years ago, I was taught to overcome objections.  The logic behind this awful selling technique was that...

Sales Thought Leader or Thought Repeater?

I had the good fortune to hear Neen James, leadership expert, present at the National Speakers Association. She asked the audience a great question. “Are you...

Star Spangled Sales Force

The 4th of July is right around the corner. It’s the time of year where we can celebrate the history of the United States,...

To Tell The Truth – Candor and Kindness

I am a big fan of the magazine, SUCCESS.  They do a great job with articles, interviews and relevant topics geared toward business and...

Agile Selling

One of our core values at SalesLeadership is continuous improvement. I am always looking for information and resources that add value and revenues to...

Think Big Act Small

We live in a world where we are always looking for the next best thing or idea. Don’t get me wrong. Innovation is great...

The Emotionally Intelligent Sales Manager

There are varied definitions around emotional intelligence. Salovey and Mayer, early scholars of emotional intelligence, define EI as the ability to monitor one’s own...

Don’t Forget Who Brought You to the Sales Dance

I was speaking at the BONA Certified Craftsman conference last weekend. It was a great group of business owners, eager to learn how to...

FOCUS – The competitive advantage for sales organizations

Sales managers work hard to transfer the success skills that made them a top producer.  They deliver training and coaching on key account management,...

Sales Ghosts – Why Connecting with Prospects is Tough

You meet with a new prospect and his/her guard is up. Their answers are short, and they pressure you to get to the solution...

Einstein, EQ and Sales Results

Albert Einstein undoubtedly had a high IQ. He developed the special and general theories of relativity, and he won the Nobel Prize for physics...

Change Your “Decider”

Millions of people are gearing up for the holiday season. It starts at Thanksgiving and wraps up with a celebration of the New Year....

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