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Nic Windley

Nic Windley
Nic Windley & Associates
Helping businesses reduce sales and marketing waste through ethical and accountable B2B sales / marketing strategies. Read more at my B2B Sales & Marketing Blog and the B2B Inbound Marketing Blog.

Why Your Business Must Become A System

When you don't know what creates the outcome you need, it's impossible to engineer it and without a business system reaching your goals will...

Chocolate Pies And Marketing Lies

The world is full of systems of belief, which for the most part try to over simplify a very complex world.  All to often...

Your Business Will Not Grow Because Buyers No Longer Trust You

Have you ever wondered why customers don't trust or respect sellers and marketers in the same way they do a plastic surgeon, lawyer or...

How To Generate Better Profit Margins And Grow

If you're in business you need to be profit focused to generate better profit margins, which contrary to belief is not just some selfish...

Dare To Be Different And Differentiate Yourself Or Die

  If you're wondering why being able to differentiate is important then; Be a customer for just one moment….. There is endless choice, more than…

Just Why Isn’t Anybody Listening To Me

Ever stood in an empty room and delivered a key note speech ? There would be little point, unless your preparing yourself for the...

Why You Need To Cut Loose From Old School Sales And Marketing Thinking

In sales and marketing we are always being told to start with a strong sales pitch or promotion and unsurprisingly it undermines your credibility...

16 Things That Top Sales People Don’t Do

Most of us who are in sales want to be good at what we do, because sales, just like business is a process of...

Don’t Let The Change Triangle Hold Your Business Back

Conventional sales and marketing activities are being rendered less effective as each day passes and your ability to advance, innovate and create value will...

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