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Bob Thompson

Bob Thompson
Bob Thompson is CEO of CustomerThink, an independent research and publishing firm focused on customer-centric business management, and Founder/Editor-in-Chief of CustomerThink.com, the world's largest community dedicated to customer-centric business. Thompson is a popular international keynote speaker, blogger and author of Hooked On Customers: The Five Habits of Legendary Customer-Centric Companies.

Users Don’t “Like” Facebook — Satisfaction Scores Scrape Bottom with Airlines & Cable

Facebook, what a success story. Over 500 million users, 55% of all social media visits, and 9% of all U.S. website visits (Google No....

Time to Harmonize Your Cross-Channel Customer Experience

As the economy comes out of its slumber, it's time to stop worrying about cutting costs and survival. And start thinking more strategically about...

My Social Business Rockstars

To say there are a lot of social media "experts" these days would be the understatement of the year. In this post, I'd like...

Broken Promise: Shame on BP for using “Shaggy Defense” on Gulf oil spill

Apparently at BP, the leadership mantra is, "The bucks stops over there." The Gulf oil spill is now over three weeks old, with no end...

Will the real Social CRM leader please stand up?

The past year has been really interesting as vendors enter the Social CRM market. And by "enter" I mean decide to use that term...

The Road to CRM Industry Success is Open for SugarCRM

The recent SugarCon conference in San Francisco was a great opportunity to get an update on SugarCRM and meet some industry colleagues. Including Mitch...

Can you do “Social CRM” without Social Media/Networks? Or Without CRM systems?

Some topics seem to come around again and again. Whether CRM and now SCRM is really just about the tools is an oldie but goodie....

Will StreamWork get SAP out of its innovation funk?

Over the past few months SAP has invited me to a few events as part of their "business influencer" program. Most were local or...

Do business leaders trust social media to support decision-making?

We all know that social media usage has ramped up explosively in recent years, for personal networking and to support consumer decision-making. Like, say,...

Fuzzy Insight: Social media driving interest in sentiment analysis

At a local meetup organized by Tatyana Kanzaveli, Esteban Kolsky did his usual masterful job moderating a panel of "sentiment analysis" experts from Attensity,...

OneSource strives to once again be the “one” source for B2B business information

Many moons ago when I was a PRM consultant/analyst, one of the pioneering vendors was called Partnerware. Well, Partnerware didn't make it, but Sham...

RightNow and Salesforce.com — trailblazers for integrated Social Business solutions

Breaking news! On Friday, Feb. 19th at 11 a.m. ET, Tiger Woods will be making a statement for the first time since his car...

Leads360 empowers B2C marketers with predictive lead management

In the past few years prospects have empowered themselves with all kinds of web and social information, which has upped the ante for those...

Infusionsoft stays true to small business vision, introduces Email Marketing 2.0

In mid-2007 I first wrote about Infusionsoft, a new "CRM" company that launched to target small businesses. What piqued my interest was the fact...

Aprimo Making Smart Moves in Marketing Automation Space, Rides Shift to Digital Marketing in the Cloud

Way back in 2001 (gee that seems like eons ago) I had the pleasure of keynoting a CRM conference in Singapore, speaking about PRM....

Teens Prefer Facebook. Duh.

This morning's San Francisco Chronicle newspaper reported that teens prefer Facebook. And that they are spending less time blogging. Now, my son Matthew is an...

Happy 10th Anniversary to the CustomerThink Community!

This month marks the 10th anniversary of this community. What a fabulous experience it has been for me! Please indulge me as I reminisce...

Managing Sales Risk — What’s Getting in Your Way of Making Quota?

I'm partnering with Andy Rudin of Outside Technologies in a very interesting study of sales risks. In other words, what are the factors that...

Social Media Highlights for 2009

If you've struggled to keep up with the hyperactive social media industry in the past year, you've got lots of company. Well, me, at...

My Top 10 Favorite Posts of 2009

Wow, what a year! We started the year in the depths of the Great Recession, with bank bailouts and a new U.S. president making...

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