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Adrian Swinscoe

Adrian Swinscoe
Adrian Swinscoe brings over 25 years experience to focusing on helping companies large and small develop and implement customer focused, sustainable growth strategies.

11 Customer experience related predictions for 2021

Last year I wrote that I don’t like prediction pieces.Then, I broke my own rule, and I compiled a series of predictions that had been…

Leadership and how to achieve customer centricity – Interview with Minter Dial

Today’s interview is with Minter Dial, an international speaker and a multiple award-winning author, specialized in leadership, branding and transformation. Minter joins me today to…

How will you be using video in your customer experience mix in 2021?

Four years ago I spoke to Matthias Murin, who was, at the time, Group Manager Customer Service at DocMorris, a Dutch online and mail-order pharmacy that…

Have you got what it takes to be a phoenix in the new, never normal?

The pandemic has shifted how people work, socialize, shop, get services, etc. Will things eventually return to the previous "normal" after the virus is defeated?

The secrets behind tapping into your customer’s imagination – Interview with Chip Bell

Today’s interview is with Chip R. Bell, a keynote speaker and consultant in customer loyalty and service innovation as well as a 24 time author…

The relationship between trust, honesty and simplicity when it comes to customer and employee experience – Interview with Brian...

Today’s interview is with Brian Rafferty, the Global Director of Business Analytics and Insights at Siegel+Gale, a brand strategy, design and experience firm. They also…

140 leaders share the lessons they learned during the pandemic – Interview with Joseph Michelli

Today’s interview is with Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D., C.S.P., an internationally sought-after speaker, author, and organizational consultant. Joseph joins me today to talk about his…

Changes to customer behaviour that brands need to pay attention to as we approach the holiday season

Back in April, I wrote an article that gathered results from several research sources and attempted to describe how the coronavirus pandemic was changing customer…

How can you relate to B2B customers when they more ‘hidden’ from you than before? – Interview with Jeroen...

Today’s interview is with Jeroen Corthout who is the co-founder and CEO of Salesflare, an intelligent CRM that has been built specifically for smaller businesses…

To deliver better customer experience brands need to develop an empathetic musculature

Over the last few months, there has been much talk about how an organization’s ability to deliver great service and experience to their customers is…

What if customers want more than excellent service? – Interview with Steven Van Belleghem

Today’s interview is with Steven Van Belleghem who is an international keynote speaker, entrepreneur and best-selling author. Steven joins me today to talk about his…

Customer experience doesn’t stop – Interview with Richie Manu

Today’s interview is with Richie Manu, who is Programme Director (Culture & Enterprise) at University of the Arts London, a multi-award-winning lecturer, a designer, creative…

Proactive support is the holy grail of customer support – Interview with Paul Adams of Intercom

Today’s interview is with Paul Adams who is the SVP of Product at Intercom, which helps brands build their customer relationships through conversational, messenger-based experiences…

About time – Intercom puts proactive customer service back on the agenda

I first started writing about the benefits of a more proactive approach to customer service and experience back in 2013. It seemed to me that…

Customer success (CS) = Customer experience (CX) + Customer outcomes (CO) – Interview with Nick Mehta of Gainsight

Today’s interview is with Nick Mehta CEO of Gainsight, a customer success technology provider that helps businesses retain customers and drive company growth. Nick joins…

Customer Experience And Politics: Do They Mix?

While becoming a more political brand could have a negative impact on both the brand’s social media following and overall reputation, it could also drive…

Experimentation is what makes Microsoft, Google, Netflix and Booking.com so successful – Interview with Harvard Business School Professor Stefan...

Today’s interview is with Stefan Thomke, who is the William Barclay Harding Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. Stefan joins me today to…

The value of putting heart into your customer and employee listening

Recently I came across a quote from Donella “Dana” Meadows, an American environmental scientist, educator, and writer and author of the books The Limits to…

The four imperatives emerging from the pandemic and what to do about them

Over the last few months, we have faced some extraordinary challenges, and I’ve watched with fascination how the pandemic has forced the tectonic plates of…

A quest to make technology emotionally intelligent – Interview with Rana el Kaliouby of Affectiva

Today’s interview is with Rana el Kaliouby, CEO of Affectiva, an emotion measurement technology company that grew out of MIT’s Media Lab. Affectiva has developed…

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